
Weekly Summer recycling will start on 23 December 2024 and finish on 31 January 2025.

  • The recycling bin lid colours are changing from blue to yellow. For more information visit Bin lid colours explained
  • There are no changes to our standard recycling and waste services.
  • There are no changes to what can go in each bin.
  • The Shire is not introducing a separate glass service yet. The State Government requires that every council provides a separate glass service by 2027 — we’ll keep you informed on this. 
  • Soft plastics cannot be recycled in the yellow kerbside recycling bins. Please dispose of these in your general waste bin. Keep your recyclables loose (no bags, please).
  • Vapes, batteries and gas cannisters cannot be placed in either bin.


More information on future changes can be found in the State Government’s Recycling Victoria: A New Economy policy.

You can recycle right a few ways on the Peninsula:

Our waste and recycling disposal guide lets you know what can be recycled and where.

Dangerous items such as gas bottles and batteries should NOT be disposed of in kerbside bins. These can be disposed of for FREE at our resource recovery centres.

One contaminated recycling bin can send the whole truck to landfill. Please only place accepted items in your recycling bin. Don't place recycling in plastic bags.

Find your recycling bin day on My Neighbourhood or view the bin calendars.

Recycling is collected fortnightly (including public holidays, Good Friday and Christmas Day).

Place your recycling bins on the nature strip with the wheels facing your property the night before collection day.

Bring your recycling bin back in by the end of the day of collection.

Our waste and recycling guide shows you what to recycle in your recycling bin (blue or yellow lid) and what can be taken for free to our Resource recovery centres.

Other information to guide you:

These resources can be downloaded and printed or picked up from our Customer Service Offices.

Top recycling tips

  • Rinse off as much food as possible
  • Empty your recycling into the bin loose
  • Pizza boxes, small amounts of grease that has not soaked through the cardboard is still accepted
  • Hard plastic Types 1, 2 and 5 only
  • Soft plastics are not accepted

After your recycling is picked up by the truck, it is taken to the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). Our recyclables are taken to the Polytrade MRF. Recyclables are placed on high speed conveyer belts where they are sorted into different categories. Once your recyclables are sorted, they are compacted and transported to different processing facilities to be made into new products.

Watch the Planet Ark video to see how it all works.

  • The Shire provides a 240L recycling bin to all households.
  • If you want an extra recycling bin it is a one-off fee of $95
  • If you have moved and do not have a rubbish and/or recycling bin, please get in touch.

To save money, you can also check out the waste and recycling disposal guide. Many items can be recycled for free at our tips and hoppers.

Further information is on our Order a new or larger bin page.

Order new bin

If your recycling bin was placed on the kerbside the night before the day of collection, it should be emptied by the end of the collection day.

If your recycling bin was not collected, please call us on 5950 1000 or 1300 850 600 within 2 business days.

What happens next: Leave your bin out in its usual collection spot. We'll come by to empty it.

If your bin is overloaded or has waste we can't collect: it will no be emptied. Use our waste guide to dispose of your waste correctly.

If your recycling bin becomes damaged, please get in touch to have it repaired or replaced.

If you think your recycling bin may have been stolen or is lost, there are a couple of steps you can take:

  1. Check your letterbox for a slip from your bin collection contractor
  2. If you don’t have a slip in your letterbox, submit Lost Bin Declaration form

Just one misused recycling bin can contaminate the whole recycling truck, resulting in the entire truck contents being sent to landfill rather than recycled.

If the Peninsula’s waste contamination continues, the Shire and community face the possibility of increasing cost to process our waste.

Bin Inspections

Bin inspections are part of the Shire’s waste education program to reduce contamination and increase rates of recycling.

Find out more by visiting our Bin Inspection Program page.

Waste Contamination

A contaminated truck load comes at a huge cost to the environment. It adds to landfill and loses resources that could have been remade into new products. It also comes at a significant financial cost. Contaminated bins cost the Shire and ratepayers over $600,000 per year. The Shire's Waste Contamination policy helps educate residents so that we bring contamination rates down.

What if I mistakenly put the wrong thing into my recycling bin?

If you have placed a few small items (e.g. packaging) into your recycling bin, it will still be collected. However, it is best to avoid this as it will add to contamination, lower the value of recycling and increase our processing costs.

Find what can put into your recycling bin on our recycling page.

How will you know if there is contamination?

Shire officers, contractors or drivers may check your bins before they are emptied. Bins with no contamination will receive a smiley bin tag and go into a draw to win a monthly prize.

Bins with contamination will receive a sad bin tag to let householders know which item/s do not belong in the bin.

Learn more about the bin inspection program.

When will a bin NOT be emptied?

If a bin has large amounts of contamination or hazardous materials, it won’t be emptied. If the trucks have already passed through the area, it won’t return until the next collection schedule.

Will I receive a contamination fine?

Council officers will work with households to identify and correct the contamination.

  • Step 1: A sticker will be placed on the bin to inform households of which items can’t go into the bin.
  • Step 2: On the second contamination event, Shire officers will call or visit the household to speak with residents. Educational materials such as stickers, posters and information on how contaminating items can be properly disposed or recycled will be provided to the household when the bin has been identified as contaminated.
  • Step 3: After the third significant contamination event within a six-month period, a fine will be issued.
  • Step 4: If significant contamination occurs after a fine has been issued, the Shire may suspend the recycling or green waste service.

What if someone else was responsible for the contamination?

Council officers will investigate if someone else has placed contamination in your bin. These cases are usually not isolated to one household and are repeat behaviours.

Excess household recycling can be disposed of free of charge, simply by taking it your closest Resource Recovery Centre hopper

Excess household recycling must be separated from any other items and free of any contamination.

Other items can also be recycled at the Resource Recovery Centres. Some items are free or redeemable using your waste vouchers. Visit our Waste and Recycling Guide.