Vehicle Access to Shire Reserves

Residents who share property boundaries with Shire-managed land must use this application to seek approval for temporary vehicle access to their property through a Shire reserve. As land manager, the Shire is responsible for protecting our reserves and assets and can grant or refuse access on this basis.  

Please be aware that vehicle access is NOT usually permitted in environmentally sensitive areas like our bushland reserves.

Vehicle access to reserves is assessed on a case-by-case basis. When an application is received, we consider the following:

  • The potential for damage to environmentally sensitive sites
  • The potential risk to public safety (e.g., high use areas, proximity to playgrounds)
  • The potential for damage to reserve assets (e.g. native vegetation, drains, footpaths, overhanging trees, grassed areas, powerlines)
  • The existing condition of the reserve and how accessible it is.

Before applying and paying the application fee, we recommend applicants consider all other options for accessing their property. In most situations, other options are available for residents to access their property without needing to go through a Shire reserve.

Applying for a permit

Please allow at least 4 weeks from applying to a decision on reserve access.

Applicants must provide: 

  • A Safety Management Plan which details the area within the reserve requiring vehicle access, proposed works, entry/exit points and public safety considerations (such as signage and spotters). Download an example Safety Management Plan(PDF, 468KB), and;
  • Proof of Public Liability Insurance (for businesses/contractors) and/or;
  • Proof of comprehensive vehicle insurance (for businesses/contractors/private landholders).

Once an application is received it is reviewed by Shire officers, who will determine if a permit can be issued. We will then contact the applicant to inform them of the outcome.  

If access is granted

If access is granted, the applicant may be required to pay a refundable security bond. This bond is held by the Shire in the event the applicant causes damage to the reserves’ surface, infrastructure, vegetation or other Shire assets and/or loss of Shire keys. The value of the bond will be determined following assessment of the proposed access scenario and reserve assets. This is at the discretion of the Shire officer.

On approval, Shire Officers will liaise with applicants to unlock any locked access gates for the agreed access period only.

At the end of the agreed access period a Shire officer will then inspect the reserve to assess if any damage has occurred during the access period. If the Shire officer is satisfied that no damage has occurred, any security bond will be refunded to the applicant. In instances where damage has occurred, the applicant will be required to repair the damage and the bond will be held until the damage is repaired to the satisfaction of the inspecting Shire officer. 

Make an application

Apply online

Already have a permit that you need to amend or extend?

Click below to amend a permit that has already been issued to you, or to extend the expiry date of your permit.