Objecting to a planning application
Lodge an objection
When a planning application requires formal advertising, letters will be mailed to adjoining properties owners and occupiers. Some applications will also be advertised by a sign on the property or in the local newspaper.
Documentation detailing the proposal such as plans and reports will be available to view on Council’s website.
Where can I view advertised plans?
Advertised planning applications can be viewed online on our Advertised Planning Applications page.
Alternatively, they may be viewed online at the Mornington, Rosebud or Hastings offices.
Who can object to a planning application?
Anyone who may be affected by the grant of a permit for the proposal can submit an objection to Council.
Objections can be lodged with Council any time up to when it makes a decision, however it is recommended that objections are lodged during the 14-day advertising period.
Council may reject an objection if it is considered to have been made primarily to secure or maintain a direct or indirect commercial advantage for the objector.
What should I include in my objection?
Your objection must:
- Be in writing
- Include your full name, postal address, phone number & email address
- Specify the planning application number
- Include the reasons for your objection and state how you would be affected by the proposal
An objection will carry more weight if it is rational, specifically addresses the proposal and clearly describes how you will be affected.
We encourage the submission of photographs to illustrate the potential impact of the proposal, particularly if access is limited and/or restricted to the property.
Constructive suggestions on how any impacts could be reduced (or even eliminated) by possible changes to the plans are also useful.
Council may reject an objection if it is considered to have been made primarily to secure or maintain a direct or indirect commercial advantage for the objector.
Who can view a copy of my objection? Are copies publicly available?
The Planning and Environment Act makes an objection publicly available and accessible (refer to s57(5) of Planning and Environment Act 1987).
Any person is entitled to view and read an objection to a planning application before a decision has been made on the application. Privacy laws do not limit who can view and read an objection.
Council may also provide an applicant with a copy of your objection.
Who considers an objection and makes the decision on a planning application?
A delegated Council officer will consider your objection when making a decision on a planning application.
Council must consider all objections when assessing an application.
Once a decision has been made, you will receive a copy of that decision.
If Council decides to grant the permit, it will issue a ‘Notice of Decision to Grant a Permit’. As an objector you will be sent a copy of this notice and you will have 28 days to lodge an application for review at VCAT - Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal.
If no objectors lodge a review with VCAT during this time, Council will grant the planning permit.
Further information about the VCAT process can be seen at www.vcat.vic.gov.au
Withdrawing an objection
You can withdraw your objection at any time before Council makes a decision.
Any withdrawal must also be made in writing.
Please note for an objection to be withdrawn it must be unconditional and not subject to any conditions or requirements.
If you do withdraw your objection, you will not be informed of the decision or be able to make a further appeal to VCAT if you are unhappy with Council’s decision.
Further Information
For further information or assistance with objecting to a planning application please contact:
Planning Services Team - 5950 1010 or
Email - planning@mornpen.vic.gov.au