Community Engagement
We want your feedback
If you’ve been hanging on the high street, pottering around your precinct or mooching at markets, chances are you’ve met our dynamic Community Engagement team.
Now, what is community engagement you ask? Simply, we want to find out how you feel about things on our Peninsula. If we have a new policy, plan, design, trial, project or initiative and we need your feedback, we’ll open a community consultation. We’ll hit the streets to speak with you to find out your thoughts. We host pop-up community consultation session at various locations on our Peninsula. Each one is themed to a particular issue we want your feedback on.
If you don’t want to speak with someone face-to-face, our community engagement runs both in person and online at the same time. Join the thousands of other community members who have signed up to have their say online.
The Shire is a Child Safe Organisation and adheres to the Child Safety Standards when participating in community engagement.
More information: Community Engagement Strategy
Have your say on a range of Shire plans, projects, and activities
Where you'll find the team
Where you'll find us around the Peninsula talking to the community. If there are no events listed below, check back for updates!