Wildlife of the Peninsula

Tawny Frogmouths.jpg

Learn more about the Mornington Peninsula's wildlife.

Types of wildlife

 The diverse natural environments on the Peninsula provide range of habitats for wildlife - over 400 species of native animals have been recorded here, including:

  • 293 species of birds – including tiny Hooded Plovers that nest on the ocean beaches of Rye to the impressively large Powerful Owl that hunts through forested areas, our bird fauna is the most diverse group of animals on the peninsula.
  • 34 mammals – including the easily recognisable Echidnas, Koalas, macropod marsupials like Swamp Wallabies and Eastern Grey Kangaroos, to lesser known ground dwelling mammals like the White-footed Dunnart, Southern Brown Bandicoot and Swamp Rat, and nine species of microbats.
  • 31 fish – including two endangered species - the Dwarf Galaxis, a tiny freshwater fish which is recognised by its striking iridescent stripes, and the Flatback Mangrovegoby, a locally abundant species associated with estuarine waters amongst saltmarsh and mangroves.
  • 25 reptiles – from the better known species like Blue-tongue Lizard and Eastern Brown Snake, to more cryptic animals like the Jacky Lizard and threatened Swamp Skink.
  • 11 frogs – including the nationally endangered Growling Grass Frog and more common and widespread species like the Spotted Marsh Frog and Southern Brown Tree Frog.

To learn more about the peninsula's diverse wildlife, download our Fauna of the Mornington Peninsula Guide(PDF, 1MB)  which includes photos and descriptions of over 70 native animals that call the Peninsula home.

Koalas on the Mornington Peninsula

This iconic native animal is found across forest and woodland environments of the Mornington Peninsula.

Koalas face many human induced threats - the most concerning is habitat loss, particularly the removal of their food trees for housing and infrastructure. Habitat loss and fragmentation is a serious issue for Koalas because they have a specialised low-energy, low-nutrient diet of eucalyptus leaves. This means they have a limited amount of energy to use when travelling between patches of food trees. Other threats to Koalas include attack by domestic dogs and vehicle collisions.

How you can help

Protect koala habitat

The most important thing you can do to help koalas is to protect existing habitat trees and surrounding vegetation on your property. Koalas need many healthy mature trees for food and shelter. Even non-eucalypts can provide much needed cover. Before pruning trees or shrubs, check for Koala use (look for their poo on the ground) and limit pruning if koalas use the area. You can also ensure that that fences on your property are Koala friendly (i.e. ones that Koalas can climb).

Plant koala trees

Whilst protecting existing habitat trees is crucial, planting trees is also important. Depending on which area of the peninsula you live, the following Koala food trees might be suitable:

  • Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis
  • Swamp Gum Eucalyptus ovata
  • Messmate Eucalyptus obliqua
  • Narrow-leaved Peppermint Eucalyptus radiata

Koalas also use non-food trees for shelter, particularly Acacia species. Before you plant its important to check which trees are suitable for your local area, as some parts of the peninsula aren't suitable for koala tree plantings. To find out which areas of the peninsula are suitable for koala trees take a look at the trees and habitat information on MPKoala's website.

Keep your dog under control

Take care with your dog. Unrestrained dogs can harass and injure koalas and other wildlife, particularly when they come to the ground to move between trees.

Be wildlife-aware when driving

Koalas and other wildlife often move across our roads. For your safety and theirs, be aware and slow down, particularly dawn and dusk when visibility is poor and koalas are likely to be moving between trees. If you do see koalas or other wildlife when you are driving, be careful and give them plenty of time to move off the road.

Get involved

The Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation Landcare Group, or MP Koalas for short, does fantastic work to protect koalas. Visit their website to find out how you can get involved. You could also join your local and Friends Groups also do great work to protect habitat for their local wildlife. Find out more on our Landcare and Friends Groups pages.

What to do if you find injured wildlife

Call the Wildlife Victoria 24hr Hotline on 8400 7300. Other Mornington Peninsula injured wildlife rescue emergency contacts can be found on the Community Directory. The State Government also have a handy Help for Injured Wildlife Tool to help you find and contact the closest relevant wildlife carers and rehabilitation organisations to help the injured wildlife.

Spotted a seal?

Seals occasionally visit our beaches, you can learn more about seals on beaches and marine wildlife here.





Pest animals

Pest animals, including foxes, cats and rabbits, significantly impact indigenous plants and animals and their habitats. Visit the Pest Animals page to find out more.