Apply for a Wedding Permit

Weddings_Sorrento Foreshore (1).png

There are many beautiful parks, foreshores and beaches throughout the Mornington Peninsula that may be suitable for your wedding ceremony. If you plan to hold a wedding ceremony on outdoor Shire owned or managed land, you are required to apply for a Wedding Permit via our booking system 'Bookable'

See popular wedding locations below

Before booking your space

  • Please download How to Book a Space For Your Wedding to help guide you through the booking process.
  • If you can't find your chosen space, choose 'Other Foreshore or Beach Location’ or ‘Other Park or Open Space (including roads)’ in the Venue or Suburb field
  • All wedding permits are for a total of three hour duration

Book Outdoor Space

What locations are available for your wedding ceremony?

There are many beautiful parks, foreshores and beaches throughout the Mornington Peninsula that may be suitable for your wedding ceremony. Some of these locations are not governed by the Shire though, instead by different entities, including Parks Victoria and Committees of Management. Shire Wedding Permits are only issued for outdoor spaces managed or owned by the Shire.

To determine whether your chosen space is on Shire land or other, explore the options below:

Parks Victoria

Parks Victoria manage a large portion of back beaches from Portsea to Flinders as well as National Park area. To book a space on Parks Victoria managed land including the below, please get in touch with them directly.

  • Bushrangers Bay 
  • Cape Schanck
  • Gunnamatta Beach
  • Point Nepean National Park
  • Portsea Ocean Beach
  • Rye Ocean Beach
  • Sorrento Ocean Beach
  • St Andrews Beach
  • Flinders Ocean Beach

Volunteer Committees of Management

A number of foreshores across the Mornington Peninsula are managed by locally run Volunteer Committees of Management. To book a space on land managed by a committee, please get in touch with them directly:

Other Shire spaces and facilities

To discuss events, filming/photography or weddings at The Briars please contact them directly. Email or call 035950 1221

To discuss events, filming/photography or weddings in Shire Halls please contact them directly. Email or call 5950 1150

Private land

To discuss weddings on private land please contact the landowner directly. 

What are the fees for a Wedding Permit?

All fees are inclusive of GST. Fees are calculated per day and are payable upon booking.

Low Season (1 May - 30 September) $304 per day

High Season (1 October - 30 April) $435 per day

Ready to Apply?

When you hit the button below you will be taken to our booking system ‘Bookable’ where you can view and book Shire outdoor spaces requiring a permit. Before you do, please consider the following:

  • Your booking is not confirmed until you receive your Permit
  • Bookings must be submitted at least three weeks before your scheduled wedding ceremony date
  • All Wedding Permits have a duration of three hours
  • Please read our FAQ’s for more information about using Shire land
  • It is important that you familiarise yourself with the Terms and Conditions on the Wedding Permit

To book your space

Step 1.

Download How to Book a Space For Your Wedding to help guide you through the booking process. 

Step 2.

Click the ‘Book Outdoor Space’ button below. If you can't find your chosen space in 'Bookable' choose 'Other Foreshore or Beach Location’ or ‘Other Park or Open Space (including roads)’ in the Venue or Suburb field


Book Outdoor Space

Frequently Asked Questions


Temporary structures cannot be erected in public open space. Market umbrellas are allowed, these are to be weighted as pegging is strictly prohibited.


Materials such as confetti, rose petals or rice are not permitted as they can have an adverse effect to surrounding buildings, plants and trees.

Bali flags/arches/chairs

Two Bali flags can be used. These should be secured with weights as it is strictly prohibited to peg into any ground.
Naked flame torches are strictly prohibited 365 days of the year.
A limit of twenty chairs and one arch is permitted, arch to be secured with weights as pegging is strictly prohibited.


If your wedding is conducted in an alcohol exclusion zone as per the Local Law Consumption of Liquor(PDF, 3MB), it is strictly prohibited to serve alcohol at your wedding.

Car parking

Car parks cannot be reserved for any activity, local parking rules will apply and infringements may be issued.


Any vehicles, including bridal vehicles cannot enter any open space, beach or park.

Exclusive space

The Crown Land (Reserves) Act does not allow for exclusive use of the space or for an area to be physically cordoned off from the public.


Additional photography permission for your requested ceremony location is not required from the Shire.

Mowing & Pruning

Parks garden beds are mowed and pruned on a schedule so your location may not be mowed before your ceremony.



Events Permitting Team

Phone:1300 850 600


Popular wedding locations