Temporary structures cannot be erected in public open space. Market umbrellas are allowed, these are to be weighted as pegging is strictly prohibited.
Materials such as confetti, rose petals or rice are not permitted as they can have an adverse effect to surrounding buildings, plants and trees.
Bali flags/arches/chairs
Two Bali flags can be used. These should be secured with weights as it is strictly prohibited to peg into any ground.
Naked flame torches are strictly prohibited 365 days of the year.
A limit of twenty chairs and one arch is permitted, arch to be secured with weights as pegging is strictly prohibited.
If your wedding is conducted in an alcohol exclusion zone as per the Local Law Consumption of Liquor(PDF, 3MB), it is strictly prohibited to serve alcohol at your wedding.
Car parking
Car parks cannot be reserved for any activity, local parking rules will apply and infringements may be issued.
Any vehicles, including bridal vehicles cannot enter any open space, beach or park.
Exclusive space
The Crown Land (Reserves) Act does not allow for exclusive use of the space or for an area to be physically cordoned off from the public.
Additional photography permission for your requested ceremony location is not required from the Shire.
Mowing & Pruning
Parks garden beds are mowed and pruned on a schedule so your location may not be mowed before your ceremony.