
The Shire’s Complaints Handling Policy serves to ensure complaints are dealt with fairly and impartially in resolving disputes between the Shire and complainants, without the need to make representations directly to external agencies.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the Shire’s level and quality of service, policies or procedures. Dissatisfaction may arise from the service provided by Shire staff, Councillors, contractors and systems or from the impact of a particular policy or procedure.

A valid complaint is one where it appears that the Shire has failed to respond appropriately to a request for service or not followed relevant policies or procedures.

A complaint does not include:

  • requests for services
  • requests for information or explanation of policies or procedures, or decisions of Council
  • reports of damaged or faulty infrastructure (e.g. pothole in road)
  • reports of hazards (eg. fallen tree branch)
  • reports concerning neighbours or neighbouring properties (eg. noise or unauthorised building works)
  • lodging an appeal in accordance with procedure or policy.

Complaint resolution process

The Shire has implemented a four level complaint management process:

Level 1: Frontline Complaint Handling
Staff are empowered to resolve complaints wherever possible at first contact. Staff will register complaints and the resolution/action taken.

Level 2: Internal Review – Operational
The Manager or Director responsible for the appropriate area will attempt to resolve the complaint by investigating the issue and providing a response to the complainant.

Level 3: Internal Review
The Internal Investigations Officer will, upon request, undertake a review of complaints not resolved at Level 2. 

Level 4: External Review
Complaints, still unresolved may be referred externally.

This may include:

  • alternative dispute resolution procedure, such as mediation or conciliation.
  • complaint referred to external agency, such as Ombudsman.
  • complainant informed of appeal procedure or other legal remedy.


The identity of a complainant will not be disclosed if they request that their details remain confidential.

Lodging a complaint

Complaints may be lodged with the Mornington Peninsula Shire:

In person at our Customer Service Centres

By telephone: 1300 850 600

By post: Private Bag 1000 Rosebud, Victoria 3939

By email:

Please provide a brief description of the complaint together with your name, address, and contact phone numbers.

Complaints will be acknowledged within 12 working days of their lodgement. Requests for internal reviews will be acknowledged in 5 working days and the outcome provided in 30 working days.

Complaints against staff

All complaints, received verbally or anonymously, alleging: corrupt conduct, conflict of interest breaches, improper use of position, criminal action or maladministration, are registered as detailed in the procedures set out in Council’s Complaints Handling Policy and are referred to the Internal Investigations Officer or the Chief Executive Officer.

Complaints of a serious nature will be dealt with in accordance with Council’s separate policies such as the Staff Code of Conduct or the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012.

For concerns about a Mornington Peninsula Shire employee, Councillor, volunteer or contractor's behaviour or conduct towards a child or young person please visit the Child Safe Page

Complaints against Councillors

Our Complaints Handling Policy sets out the procedure for dealing with complaints against Councillors.

External Review

There are a number of agencies to which complaints can be referred for external review, dependent on the nature of the complaint, including:

The Victorian Ombudsman
9613 6222

Corrupt Conduct
Independent Broadbased Anti-corruption Commission
1300 735 135

Breaches of the Local Government Act
Local Government Inspectorate
1300 366 356

Discrimination, Disability and Harassment
Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
1300 292 153

Breaches of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
1300 006 842