Vehicle Crossing / Crossover - FAQs
Find the answers to frequently asked questions around vehicle crossings and crossovers below.
What is a vehicle crossing or crossover?
Vehicle crossing and Crossover are interchangeable terms that mean the same thing.
It is the improved area between the carriageway of any Road and the adjacent property line of a private property.
A vehicle crossing is designed to provide a safe, all weather access to properties that prevents damage to services and other assets located within the Road Reserve.
The vehicle crossing itself includes any associated culverts, kerb and channel, laybacks and footpaths within vehicle crossings.
How wide can my vehicle crossing be?
Vehicle crossings are required to be a minimum width of 3m and a maximum width of 4m at the property boundary line, depending on the type of kerb in your street, it may need to be wider than this at the kerb, however this is site specific and will be outlined within the vehicle crossing permit.
Can I install a second vehicle crossing to my property?
Second vehicle crossings are generally not supported in residential areas.
Only in very rare circumstances will they be considered appropriate. Having other permit approvals in place (i.e. Building Permits or Planning Permits), will not guarantee approval of an additional vehicle crossing.
I’ve relocated my vehicle crossing, can I keep my old one?
No – unless otherwise permitted, when a vehicle crossing is replaced with another vehicle crossing in a different location, the redundant vehicle crossing must be removed, including replacing the kerb and channel and reinstating the road reserve, at no cost to the Council. Redundant vehicle crossings must be removed prior to any new vehicle crossing being poured.
I have a caravan/boat which I need to store in my property, can I have a second vehicle crossing?
Having a caravan/boat will not form part of the consideration when assessing an application and is not justification for a second vehicle crossing.
What materials can I use for my Vehicle Crossing?
Vehicle Crossings must be constructed in accordance with Council’s Specifications and Standards.
Subject to Council’s approval they can be constructed in either concrete (including exposed aggregate) or asphalt. In order to avoid rock and sediment being washed into Council’s drainage systems, crushed rock vehicle crossings are not supported in residential areas with sealed roads and constructed drainage infrastructure.
All vehicle crossings constructed in Ranelagh Estate, Mount Eliza (areas subject to the Heritage Overlay, Schedule 213 and Victorian Heritage Register H1605) must be of a light golden sandy coloured exposed aggregate only, commonly referred to as “Golden Beach” by concrete supply companies.
What colour and finish can the concrete be?
Subject to an assessment of the surrounding streetscape, concrete can be a colour of your choice, provided the finish is a non-slip stipple or broom finish.
If your property is within the Ranelagh Estate, Mount Eliza the colour and finish must be constructed in an approved light golden sandy coloured exposed aggregate only, commonly referred to as “Golden Beach” by concrete supply companies.
Footpaths, including the footpath bays within the vehicle crossing, must match the colour and material of the existing footpath in the street.
Plain concrete vehicle crossings must be finished in either stipple or broom finish. Stamped, stencilled or alternative finishes will not be supported.
What are the construction standards and dimensions/layout that will apply to my vehicle crossing?
Standards are site specific and will be issued with your permit.
These will include the required depth of the concrete, type of reinforcement, etc.
Should me or my concreter apply for the vehicle crossing permit?
While Council has no preference, it is important that each party is aware of their obligations under the permit and has the means to ensure all conditions and requirements are met.
Conditions and constructions standards should be discussed between owners and contractors to ensure quotes or cost estimates are accurate and to ensure the specific requirements and conditions suit the owner’s expectations.
Works should not commence until all parties have reviewed the permit in full and reached agreement on who is responsible for each aspect of the job.
What inspections are required for the construction of a Vehicle Crossing?
- The proposed vehicle crossing may be subject to an inspection prior to the permit being issued, to clarify the proposed works and assist in assessing the application.
- Once the permit has been approved, a pre-pour inspection MUST take place, this must be booked with the Asset Protection team online (Click here to book an inspection online) or over the phone via 5950 1040, a MINIMUM of 24 hours’ notice is required and the exact time and day of inspection will be subject to availability – it is recommended to book earlier to secure a specific time. Once the pre-pour inspection has taken place, the Authorised Officer will give consent to the pour, without this consent, the pour cannot proceed, this may also include assessing any damaged assets caused by the works.
- Once the works are completed, a post inspection will be conducted to ensure the works are in accordance with the relevant standards and permit, any breaches of the permit or construction standards noted at this inspection may result in enforcement action taking place.
How far away from street trees does my crossover need to be?
Unless otherwise permitted, any part of a vehicle crossing must be a minimum of 3m from any street tree.
A vehicle crossing permit may include vegetation protection conditions or if the risk to the tree is deemed unacceptable, the permit may be refused.
I need to remove a tree for my crossover, is this included and assessed in the same permit?
Prior to applying for a vehicle crossing permit, you will need to contact the Planning Department to confirm if a planning permit is required.
If a planning permit is required, the planning permit must be approved prior to issuing of the vehicle crossing permit.
If no planning permit is required, the removal of the street tree will be assessed as part of the vehicle crossing application process, however it is not guaranteed the tree removal and vehicle crossing will be approved.
How far away from power poles/street lights in the nature strip does my vehicle crossing need to be?
Any part of a vehicle crossing, including the layback section, must be a minimum of 1m from any power pole or streetlight.
How far away does my vehicle crossing need to be from a Council stormwater pit?
Vehicle crossing must be a minimum of 1m from any stormwater pit, otherwise the pit must be constructed within the vehicle crossing in accordance with the relevant standards.
Any costs associated with the modification of a pit are the responsibility of the applicant/property owner and must be done with the approval and supervision of an Authorised Officer.
How far away does my vehicle crossing need to be from utility service pits?
Service pits (sewer, water, power, Telstra/NBN/TPG etc.) must be a minimum of 1m from the proposed vehicle crossing, if the vehicle crossing falls within 1m, written permission from the relevant service authority must be obtained and provided to Council prior to the permit being issued.
Service authorities generally do not allow their pits to be within the vehicle crossing and the cost of moving them falls entirely on the applicant/owner (this is generally a very costly exercise and best avoided).
My property is near an intersection, will this impact my proposed vehicle crossing?
Yes, vehicle crossings are required to be a minimum of 10m from an intersection, if the vehicle crossing falls within this distance, it will be subject to review from Council’s Traffic Engineers (please note that this is rarely supported).
I live on a corner block and would like to move my cross over from one road to the other, can I do this?
If your block is at an intersection between a minor and major road, then your driveway can be moved from the major road to the minor road, but not from the minor to the major road.
My current vehicle crossing is damaged, who fixes this?
The Road Management Act 2004 provides that a road authority is not liable for private vehicle crossings.
This does not, however, prevent the Council from issuing consent and imposing conditions on the construction of a vehicle crossing.
Vehicle crossings are the responsibility of the property owner to maintain and all costs associated with this are also the responsibility of the property owner.
A vehicle crossing permit will be required to undertake any works, including repairs to a vehicle crossing.
My car scrapes on the road or vehicle crossing when I enter or exit my property, who fixes this?
The vehicle crossing is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain, this includes carrying out any modifications to stop scraping of vehicles.
A vehicle crossing permit must be obtained prior to undertaking any works. Metal plates or other items placed in the kerb to stop this are strictly prohibited and penalties may apply.
The property is within the Ranelagh Estate, Mount Eliza – does this impact my proposed vehicle crossing?
Yes, the road network within the Ranelagh Estate, Mount Eliza is subject to the Heritage Overlay and is included on the Victorian Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 2017 (Ref No H1605).
All new or replacement vehicle crossings within the Ranelagh Estate Mount Eliza must be 3m wide and constructed in a light golden sandy coloured exposed aggregate only, commonly referred to as “Golden Beach” by concrete supply companies.
My property has a Heritage Overlay or the road reserve in my estate is subject to a Heritage Overlay, does this impact my proposed vehicle crossing?
Yes, a planning permit may be required to change the appearance of your driveway or vehicle crossing, seek written advice from Council’s Planning Department prior to applying for a vehicle crossing permit.
Is a Traffic Management Plan required to construct a vehicle crossing?
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) application must be submitted to and approved by the Mornington Peninsula Shire's Traffic & Transport Team prior to conducting any works on Shire roads, streets, lanes or footpaths. If your works are on a VicRoads Arterial Road, you must also comply with VicRoads/Department of Transport and Planning traffic management requirements. For further information on when a Traffic Management Plan is required, VicRoads requirements, or how to submit your TMP and MOA applications please visit Traffic Management Plans - Mornington Peninsula Shire.
My property is on a VicRoads managed road (or road within a Transport Zone 2 under the Planning Scheme), does this impact my proposed vehicle crossing?
Yes, roads that are within the Transport Zone 2 (TRZ2) are managed by VicRoads and a planning permit is required if you are creating or altering the access/vehicle crossing in any way.
This is a requirement pursuant to clause 52.29 of the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme. The planning permit must be in place prior to issuing of the vehicle crossing permit.
To check if your street or road is zoned TRZ2, you can visit the VicPlan website and type your address into the Search bar.
I already have a Planning or Building Permit that shows a vehicle crossing and/or a building that I want to access via a second vehicle crossing, do I still require a Vehicle Crossing Permit and does this guarantee approval?
A vehicle crossing permit will still be required. Planning and Building Permits do not include permission to undertake vehicle crossing works within the road reserve.
A separate vehicle crossing permit application must be made and it will be assessed on its merits.
The location and dimensions of any vehicle crossing shown on plans approved as part of either a Planning or Building Permit are indicative only, and do not guarantee the vehicle crossing permit will be issued for what is shown on those plans.
I have submitted my permit application, what happens next?
Once you have lodged your vehicle crossing permit application an Officer will assess the application and request any further information or documents if required.
Once all documents are received, the assessment will begin. Should the proposal be appropriate, your permit will be issued along with any relevant construction standards.
The permit contains site specific conditions which are very important to read and understand. No works can occur until the permit has been issued.
Should the proposal not be supported, the application will be refused. The application fee may not be refunded – this is at the discretion of Council, based on the level of assessment undertaken.
Am I required to pay a refundable security bond to construct a vehicle crossing?
A bond may be required depending on the type of works and risks to any infrastructure or community assets.
If a bond is required, payment will be required prior to the permit being issued.
What happens if I don’t comply with my vehicle crossing permit?
Failure to comply with a vehicle crossing permit is a contravention of the Road Management Act 2004 and Council’s General Purpose Local Law 2022.
In addition to enforcement action, Council may choose to carry out rectification works and pursue the recovery of the costs associated with those works via legal action or debt collection.
My vehicle crossing permit is expired or requires an amendment, can I extend or amend it?
An application to extend or amend a permit can be made online, details of who is requesting the extension/amendment and why it is required must be included. Applications can be made via Application to Amend or Extend a Permit.
Download: Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 225KB)