Pre-Application Service

What is a pre-application meeting and what do I receive?

A pre-application meeting is organised to discuss your proposal before lodging a Planning Permit Application. This will give you a chance to discuss potential design issues, ask questions regarding the process or highlight any additional information that may be required for your application.

Once your pre-application meeting has taken place you will receive written feedback.

What do I need to provide?

To lodge a request for a pre-application meeting the below information is mandatory in order to best assess the proposal :

  • Plans (Elevations, Site and Floor plans)
  • An outline of the proposal
  • A current Certificate of Title (no older than three (3) months) including the Plan of Subdivision and any Section 173 agreement and/or Covenants if relevant to the land

How much is a pre-application meeting?

All pre-application meetings have a fee of $340.

Once your request for a pre-application meeting is received we will contact you to make payment.

How do I lodge a pre-application meeting?

Lodge a pre-application meeting

Alternatively email the above listed items to

Once your application is received including payment and all required documents we will contact you with a date and time for your meeting.

For further information regarding this process please contact Planning Support on 03 5950 1010.