Information on how we provide verbal and written advice on planning enquiries.
Information about how to comply with building height provisions under the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme & information on the external colours and finishes for development types
The Creswell Street Crib Point East Development Contributions Plan requires new development and/or subdivision to pay a levy towards the cost of upgrading road and drainage infrastructure.
Information for landowners and permit applicants seeking to develop land within the buffer zones of current or former landfill sites within the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Information for landowners and permit applicants seeking to develop land identified with exposure to coastal hazards within the Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Information on the requirements for developing a dwelling or dwelling additions within the Green Wedge Zone
For information on requirements in relation to Existing use rights/Certificate of Compliance
Information on liquor licence approvals and requirements
Plans required for your planning application
For information about Planning Zones and Overlays
Many area's of the Mornington Peninsula are affected by planning controls which may trigger the need for a planning permit before vegetation can be removed, lopped or destroyed.
VicSmart is a simple and fast assessment process for eligible planning permit applications.
Information on VCAT and the appeals process for planning decisions