Flinders: Flinders Civic Hall Redevelopment The Flinders Civic Hall is an integral part of the Flinders and surrounding communities and is now due for an upgrade.
Hastings: Revitalisation of Pelican Park Recreation Centre The Shire will be undertaking essential upgrade and renewal works at Pelican Park Recreation Centre.
Mornington: Alexandra Park Pavilion To upgrade the Alexandra Park Pavilion so that it becomes a multiuse location for the community, including for sporting clubs as well as consulting suites and a rehabilitation centre for The Bays Hospital.
Mornington: Civic Reserve Sports Pavilion Project Construction of a new sports pavilion at Mornington's Civic Reserve.
Mornington: Community Animal Shelter Refurbishment The Community Animal Shelter and Pound upgrades focus on creating a community inclusive space for pet adoptions and ensuring the highest animal welfare standards are met for all animals.
Mount Eliza: Emil Madsen Reserve Master Plan Stage 1 In 2019, the Council adopted the Emil Madsen Reserve Master Plan, which details the facilities essential for the various user groups that utilise Emil Madsen.
Rosebud: Tounnin Wominjeka Youth Hub This project will create a new building in Rosebud to service the Mornington Peninsula's youth. The hub will provide a wide range of services and programs as well as a drop-in space.
Rye: Rye Township Plan The Rye Township Plan sets the strategic vision and direction for the improvement of the foreshore, streetscape and town centre of Rye.
Somerville to Baxter: Peninsula Trail - Shared User Path As part of the Peninsula Trail project, an exciting new way to get between Somerville and Baxter on foot or by bicycle is coming.