Coastal and Marine Management Plans

Mornington Foreshore

Mornington Peninsula Shire has developed a number of Coastal and Marine Management Plans (CMMPs) to provide strategic direction and management objectives for our coast. All CMMPs are developed in line with State Legislation - Marine and Coastal Act 2018 or the preceding Coastal Management Act 1995. 

Follow this link for more information on the Marine and Coastal Act 2018: Marine and Coastal Act 2018

CMMPs and other relevant coastal plans for each foreshore managed by the Mornington Peninsula Shire can be found below. 


Flinders Coastal and Marine Management Plan - 2023

The Flinders Coastal and Marine Management Plan will help guide our management of this area for years to come. This coastline encompasses sandy beaches, vegetated cliffs and several creeks, while seagrass meadows and rocky reef platforms are found just offshore. The peaceful and charming seaside town has a rich Aboriginal and European history with significant sites across the coastal zone and many heritage places surrounding the iconic Flinders Pier.

Vision: ‘An accessible and safe Flinders coastal and marine environment, where diverse ecosystems are protected and enhanced, the regions heritage is celebrated, and ongoing opportunities for relaxation, learning and enjoyment are provided for all.

Download: Flinders Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2023(PDF, 16MB)

Flinders Foreshore Precinct Conservation Management Plan - 2023

Originally prompted by works within the precinct, Mornington Peninsula Shire Council commissioned a European Heritage Conservation Plan in 2013 to provide historical and contextual information, and management policies, to assist decision making for the Flinders Foreshore Precinct. The 2013 version of the Conservation Plan has now been updated, in collaboration with Parks Victoria, to reflect the recent Victorian Heritage Registration of the precinct. 

Download: Flinders Foreshore Precinct Conservation Management Plan 2023(PDF, 6MB)
(PDF, 6MB)


Hastings South Coastal Management Plan - 2015

The Hastings South foreshore is an important boating precinct and is highly valued for this role — by local residents and visitors. The foreshore also has significant value in terms of the natural environment, cultural heritage and recreation. Protecting and enhancing these values is vital given the projected growth in local and regional populations and the likely associated increase in demand for recreation, particularly recreational boating.

Vision: ‘The Hastings Foreshore is a coastal recreation zone that attracts and welcomes visitors and residents to the Western Port region to enjoy a wide range of recreational opportunities involving coastal, marine, boating and eco-tourism experiences. It makes a crucial contribution to the sense of place of the Hastings community and is the gateway to Western Port.’

Download: Hastings South Coastal Management Plan 2015(PDF, 8MB)

Hastings Foreshore Masterplan - 2023

On 21 February 2023 Council adopted the Hastings Foreshore Masterplan. The Masterplan covers the foreshore reserve stretching from the northern end of Fred Smith Reserve to the southern Hastings foreshore, and includes water and nature play, an events area, new toilet facilities, upgraded paths, upgraded boat ramp parking, a pump track, sensory gardens, native vegetation and much, much more.

We know the Hastings foreshore is a much-loved area by residents and visitors. It’s used daily by people exercising, fishing, playing and socialising and is home to occasional large scale events such as concerts and festivals. The Hastings Foreshore Masterplan will support and enhance these qualities already found and loved.

Download: Hastings Foreshore Masterplan 2023(PDF, 17MB) 


Mornington Coastal Management Plan - 2015

This Mornington coastal management plan (MCMP) has been prepared to guide the future management, use and development of the Mornington foreshore. The MCMP covers the geographical area identified in Section 1.3 of the Plan.

 Vision: ‘The Mornington foreshore will continue to be an iconic coastal gateway for the region and be well integrated with the Mornington Township. The intrinsic scenic, ecological, cultural and recreational values of the Mornington foreshore reserve, taken as a whole, will be protected, maintained and enhanced to provide a clean, accessible and safe coastal environment for current and future generations.’

 Download: Mornington Coastal Management Plan 2015(PDF, 5MB)

Mornington Harbour Precinct Plan - 2014

The Mornington Harbour Precinct hosts a range of commercial and recreational activities that both complement and at times compete with each other in terms of space and facilities. This plan aims to provide direction to the public land managers in addressing the ever growing demand of a wide range of users, particularly in peak periods.

 Download: Mornington Harbour Precinct Plan 2014(PDF, 1MB)

Mount Eliza

Mount Eliza Coastal and Marine Management Plan - 2023 

The Mount Eliza Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP) will help guide our management of this area for years to come.

Bound by Manmangur Creek in the south and Kackeraboite Creek in the north, the Mount Eliza coast is known for rugged cliffs, diverse geology and spectacular views across sandy beaches, bays and coves. With evidence of rich Aboriginal history and geological wonders, the coast remains a special place for the local community and visitors.

Vision: ‘A healthy, natural and pristine Mount Eliza coastline that connects communities with the environment and history, an promotes its care, preservation and preparedness for the future.’

 Download: Mount Eliza Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2023(PDF, 16MB)

Mount Martha

Mount Martha Coastal and Marine Management Plan - 2019

This Coastal and Marine Management Plan provides strategic guidance for the use and management of coastal Crown land along the Mount Martha foreshore. It has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Marine and Coastal Act 2018 and in consultation with various stakeholders, including the community. 

The Mount Martha foreshore has significant natural values, including diverse native flora and fauna across a variety of geological land forms. It includes numerous cultural heritage sites and is a popular destination for a variety of water and beach based activities, including fishing, boating, surf club activities and wildlife watching.

Vision: ‘To protect and enhance the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Mount Martha foreshore for present and future generations to enjoy.’

Download: Draft Mount Martha Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2019(PDF, 59MB)

The Pillars Long Term Management Plan - 2018

The Plan was developed in consultation with DELWP, Parks Victoria, Bunurong Land Council, Victoria Police, VicRoads, Ambulance Victoria, Mt Martha CFA, Mt Martha LSC, Life Saving Victoria and the community. It focuses on the long-term management of The Pillars and identifies options and actions to manage visitation at the site, and to protect the culture and environmental values. The plan was adopted by Council on 11 September 2018.

Download: The Pillars Long Term Management Plan 2018(PDF, 931KB)
Download: Further Information - The Pillars Long Term Management Plan 2018(PDF, 12MB)


Portsea Coastal and Marine Management Plan - 2023

The Portsea Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP) will help guide our management of these areas for years to come.

Portsea is an iconic coastal town and popular destination for day-trippers, holiday-makers and homeowners. Its coastal reserves, from Police Point to Hemston Avenue include sandy beaches, low cliffs, rocky shores and the Point Franklin headland. These areas are valued for stunning bay views, coastal walks and a thriving atmosphere, popular with snorkellers and divers, unique marine life can also be found in the seagrass, rocky reefs and further offshore.

 Vision: ‘A healthy and valued Portsea coastal and marine environment, that celebrates an iconic past and looks to a resilient future in providing a coastal experience for all.’

Download: Portsea Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2023(PDF, 17MB)


Rosebud Coastal Management Plan - 2015

The Rosebud Coastal Management Plan (RCMP) has been prepared to provide strategic guidance for the use, development and management of the Rosebud (and McCrae) Foreshore Reserve. The RCMP has been prepared in conjunction with the Rosebud Activity Centre Structure Plan, to encourage coordinated planning for the Rosebud township and foreshore, particularly in relation to the location of foreshore activity and recreation nodes.

 Vision: ‘The Rosebud foreshore reserve will be a highly valued environmental and recreational asset for both the local community and visitors and will form an integral component of Rosebud’s character. The Foreshore will be maintained and improved through better management practices that will ensure the protection and enhancement of ecological values that provide essential flora and fauna habitat. The community’s understanding of the foreshore’s values will be enhanced and the foreshore reserve will be better integrated with the Rosebud Activity Centre via improved and well defined links. The role of the foreshore as a recreation area will also be strengthened, consistent with its designation as a Coastal Recreation Zone, while impacts on the coastal environment will be minimised. Overall, the Rosebud foreshore will reflect a careful balance between biodiversity conservation and the accommodation of increased demands for recreational pursuits, in the context of the potential threats of climate change.’

 Download: Rosebud Coastal Management Plan 2015(PDF, 9MB)

Jetty Road Foreshore Recreation Node Masterplan - 2015

The Jetty Road Recreation Node was a key masterplan to be developed out of the above Rosebud Coastal Management Plan and the Rosebud Activity Centre Structure Plan. The two major initiatives were:

  • The provision of a play space adjacent to the Rosebud Pier and Jetty Road car park; and
  • The conversion of Jetty Road to a ‘shared street’ for pedestrians and vehicles and to activate it as an outdoor dining precinct.

The Jetty Road Recreation Node works were completed in 2018. 

Download: Jetty Road Foreshore Recreation Node Masterplan 2015(PDF, 12MB)


Rye Township Plan - 2017

The Mornington Peninsula Shire is further developing aspects of the Township Plan, and is currently developing a Rye Foreshore Masterplan, which takes in the section of foreshore from the Lime Kiln to the west and up to the Rye Yacht Club to the east, with the southern boundary being Point Nepean Road. This will be available for public comment later this year.

Vision: 'The Rye Township Plan has been prepared as part of a broader strategy to consolidate all previous strategic planning studies, frameworks and master plans to form an integrated vision for Rye. This consolidated plan builds on Rye’s existing culture and environment to promote a sense of place and local identity. The Township Plan provides a set of specific objectives and recommendations which can be translated into operative planning principles and provisions to support future design and development in the area.'

Download: Rye Township Plan 2017(PDF, 35MB)

Safety Beach

Safety Beach Coastal Management Plan - 2016

The Safety Beach foreshore holds important values around the natural environment, cultural heritage and recreation – for local residents and visitors alike. Managing these values for their future protection is vital given the projected growth in local and regional populations and the likely increase in demand for coastal recreation.

To assist in managing these values; the Safety Beach Coastal Management Plan has been prepared to provide strategic guidance for the use, development and management of the Safety Beach foreshore reserve.

Vision: ‘To protect, maintain and create awareness of the unique natural and cultural history of the Safety Beach Foreshore Reserve. To provide an improved level of service and an enhanced, high quality, coastal experience for both residents and visitors.’

Download: Safety Beach Coastal Management Plan 2016(PDF, 17MB)

Download: Safety Beach Coastal Management Plan Masterplan(PDF, 10MB)


Sorrento Coastal and Marine Management Plan - 2018

The Sorrento coastal and marine management plan (SCMMP) has been prepared to guide the future management; use; and development of the Sorrento foreshore coastal and marine environments. 

Vision: ‘To provide an improved level of service and an enhanced, high quality, coastal experience for both residents and visitors. To protect and maintain the unique natural and cultural history of the Sorrento Foreshore Reserve.’

Download: Sorrento Coastal and Marine Management Plan 2018(PDF, 41MB)

The Sorrento Foreshore Masterplans were adopted by Council in December 2023. The Masterplans deliver key recommendations identified in the Sorrento Coastal Marine Management Plan 2018 and aim to improve access and amenity in six key areas in Sorrento while maintaining the foreshore’s historical character and beauty of the natural environment.

Download: Sorrento Foreshore Masterplan(PDF, 13MB)