Summary of Personal Interests

As part of the Shire’s commitment to transparency, and as required under the Local Government Act 2020 this page holds a summary of the personal interests of Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer and Nominated Officers.

Personal interests summaries help the Shire understand and manage potential or actual conflicts of interest. Section 135 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to prepare a summary of the personal interests information disclosed and lodged. The CEO must publish the summary of personal interests on our website and ensure that the summary of personal interests is available for inspection at the Shire office.

Personal Interests Returns are required to be submitted by Councillors, Delegated Committee Members, the CEO and Nominated Officers of Council.

Summaries of Personal Interests

Download the summaries of personal interests:

To view a printed version of these documents at the Rosebud Shire offices, contact the Governance team for an appointment by phone 5950 1137 or email