Combined rates for adjoining properties
- Received multiple rates notices for one property?
- Want to receive just one?
All Victorian Councils must separately rate each part of a property that is capable of separate occupancy.
This may mean you receive more than one rate notice for a single property.
We are able to combine multiple titles onto one rate notice where the titles are occupied by the same person. This is known as contiguous rating.
What are the benefits?
- You can save money as you will only be charged one Waste Service Charge.
- Combining multiple titles onto one rate notice may also change the rating category, resulting in further savings.
Example: When residential vacant land is combined with an adjoining residential dwelling. In this example, the rate notice will be levied at the General Rate. The rate in the dollar for General Rate is currently 40% less than the Vacant Land Rate.
Who does this apply to?
next to each other or
separated by a reserve, open space, street, road, lane, footway, court, railway, thoroughfare or travelling route.
Contact our Valuation Team for further information by phone:
5950 1090.
Applications will be assessed according to the Valuation of Land Act 1960 which applies to all councils.
Note: Our policy is to regularly review all contiguously rated properties. Should you sell one or all of your properties the contiguous rating will be cancelled.