Maternal & Child Health Services

To speak with a Maternal & Child Health Nurse or to book an appointment please contact the Child & Family Health team on 5950 1099. 

Appointments are available Monday to Saturday.

The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Service is a free service for families with children from birth to school age, where we work in partnership to provide support for your family with child health, wellbeing and developmental checks and parenting support and advice.

Your hospital or midwife will notify our MCH service of your baby’s birth.

We will then contact you to arrange the date and time of your first appointment.

The first appointment is usually held in your own home, and following appointments are held at your local MCH centre.

If you have recently moved to the Mornington Peninsula Shire, please call 5950 1099 to make a booking at one of our MCH centres.

For Afterhours support and advice please contact the Maternal Child Health Line:

Call 13 22 29 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).

Age and Stage Visits with the Maternal and Child Health Service

There are 10 key stages of your child's development that we recommend attending an MCH visit with your child. These visits focus on optimising child and family health, safety and wellbeing, learning and development. Further information at these visits can be found by clicking on the links below:

For more information about the Maternal and Child Health Service go to the Better Health Channel.

The MCH nurse may also offer additional appointments, first time parenting groups, Sleep and Settling groups and links to local community activities and services when extra support is required.

Your Child’s Digital Health Record – Privacy & Confidentiality

At your first Maternal and Child Health Appointment the Maternal & Child Health Nurse will discuss our responsibilities regarding how we handle and store your information. We use the Child Development Information System (CDIS) which is a secure Health Records System. Please see the link to our Privacy Statement for more information including our Privacy Policy.

Maternal and Child Health Centre Locations

Maternal & Child Health Centres on the Mornington Peninsula

3045 Frankston-Flinders Road, Balnarring

Crib Point
Crib Point Community House
7 Park Road, Crib Point

Hastings Community Health Service
185 High Street, Hastings

6 Wallaroo Place, Hastings

Somerville Community House
21 Worwong Avenue, Somerville

Mount Eliza
95-97 Wimbledon Avenue, Mt Eliza

32 Hampden Street, Mornington

Mornington Park 
5 Currawong Street, Mornington

Bentons Square
Bentons Square Community Centre
145 Bentons Road, Mornington

Mt Martha
35 Watson Road, Mt Martha

65 Pier Street, Dromana 

Waterfall Gully 
325 Bayview Road, Rosebud

100 Besgrove Street, Rosebud

21 Nelson St, Rye

First Time Parent Groups

If you are a first time parent, you will be offered a First Time Parent (FTP) group where you can connect with other first-time parents in your local area as well as share information on a range of parenting topics including:

  • Changes to expect when becoming a parent
  • Sleep & Settling 
  • Introduction to solids
  • Play & Development
  • Introduction to the Library

The group is held once a week for five weeks.

Locations of our First Time Parent Groups include:

Rosebud Library
Hastings Hall
Somerville Community House
Mornington Park MCH Centre

For more information or to make a booking, speak with your Maternal & Child Health Nurse or phone 5950 1099


Additional Resources


Maternal Child Health App: The free Maternal Child Health App provides a digital solution and a resource families can use every day for trusted information on child and maternal health.

Time-saving features include information on popular child health and development topics; click-to-call emergency contacts; prompts for upcoming Maternal Child Health consultations and regular updates and messages.

Recommended websites:

Support if you are experiencing Family Violence