
Learn more about fencing:

  • when you need a planning or building permit,
  • what fences you can build without a permit,
  • shared and boundary fences
  • finding your property boundary
  • how to contact your neighbour

Do I need a Building Permit to Build a Fence?

The Building Regulations 2018 stipulate that you do need a building permit for the following:

  • Front fence greater than 1.5m high
  • Front fence constructed from masonry greater than 1.2m high
  • Boundary fence greater than 2m high
  • Front or boundary fence that forms part of a pool safety barrier
  • If your property is a corner block, a front fence greater than 1m high within 9m of the point of intersection of your two corner boundaries, see the red line in the diagram below.

Diagram of fencing on a corner block

For more information on the Building Regulations that apply to fences, see our fact file Fences – Building Regulations 2018(PDF, 271KB).

Do I need a Planning Permit to Build a Fence?

Planning requirements are site specific. Please contact the Planning Services unit to find out if you need a Planning Permit to build your fence or visit Do I need a planning permit?

Where is my Property Boundary?

Your Certificate of Title (Plan of Subdivision) includes a diagram indicating the boundary dimensions of your property. If you want to determine the actual location of your property boundaries, you will need to engage a licensed land surveyor. There is no guarantee that your existing boundary fence is on your title boundary. You will find a list of ‘Land Surveyors’ online and in the phone directory. To check if a land surveyor is registered, see the Surveyors Registration Board of Victoria's Land Surveyor Register.

You can request a copy of your Current Certificate of Title from Landata or to watch a video on how to obtain a Certificate of Title, see Certificate of Title Search.

Replacing a Boundary Fence

If you want to replace or repair a boundary fence, you will need to reach an agreement with your neighbour. Boundary fences are joint property and both neighbours have the same rights and obligations. For more information on fence laws, see the Fencing law in Victoria.

How can I contact my neighbours?

If you want to contact your neighbour to discuss a fence matter, please submit a written request using this form at the bottom of this page.

Notice to Fence

A Notice to Fence is a formal document that you can issue to your neighbour setting out your proposal for constructing or repairing the boundary fence. For more information and to download the template, see the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria's Notice to Fence.

How can I resolve a fencing dispute?

If you are having trouble reaching an agreement with your neighbour about the repair or replacement of a boundary fence, see the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria's information on Fencing.

I share a fence with the Shire

Public land may be owned by the Shire or the Shire may be responsible for managing the land. If the public land is not owned by the Shire, the Fences Act does not require the Shire to share the cost of replacing or repairing a boundary fence. To discuss your eligibility for shared cost fencing, please call us on 1300 850 600. For further information on shared cost fencing, see our fact file Fencing shared cost with the Shire(PDF, 110KB).

Fencing request for neighbours contact details 

If you need to contact your neighbour in relation to replacing a boundary fencing, please complete the form below.

Fencing request for neighbours details form