Road Openings / Drainage Connections - FAQs
Find the answers to frequently asked questions around road openings and drainage connections below.
When is a Road Opening/Drainage Connection permit required?
This application type is for any works that need to be carried out in the road reserve, other than vehicle crossings, vegetation removal and landscaping, which have alternative application types.
Typically, the Road Opening/Drainage connection permit is commonly required for (but not limited to) the following types of work:
- Connecting to Council stormwater drains within a road reserve, easement, culvert or watercourse.
- Constructing, reconstructing, modifying or repairing a drainage pit vested in or under the control of Council.
- Constructing or repairing footpaths, kerb and channel, and associated works.
- Service connections.
- Excavating the road surface.
- Underground boring.
- Installing minor structures within the road reserve.
What inspections are required for Road Opening/Drainage Connection works?
Inspection requirements will be detailed within your permit but are typically required for (but not limited to) the below common scenarios:
- Drainage Connections - Once you have obtained a permit, an inspection is required of the connection to the Council drainage asset prior to backfilling. A post inspection is also required to ensure the area has been reinstated satisfactorily.
- Drainage Pit Construction – Once you have obtained a permit, an inspection is required once the formwork and reinforcement is in place, prior to pouring of any concrete. A post inspection is also required to ensure the area has been reinstated to Council’s satisfaction.
- Footpath works – Once you have obtained a permit, an inspection is required once the formwork and reinforcement is in place, prior to the pouring of any concrete. A post inspection is also required to ensure the area has been reinstated to Council’s satisfaction.
- Service Connection - Once you have obtained a permit, works must be done in accordance with the relevant Service Authority standards and permissions. Once works are completed, you must notify Council so that a post inspection can take place to ensure the area is reinstated to Council’s satisfaction.
Is a Traffic Management Plan required to construct a vehicle crossing?
A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) application must be submitted to and approved by the Mornington Peninsula Shire's Traffic & Transport Team prior to conducting any works on Shire roads, streets, lanes or footpaths. If your works are on a VicRoads Arterial Road, you must also comply with VicRoads/Department of Transport and Planning traffic management requirements. For further information on when a Traffic Management Plan is required, VicRoads requirements, or how to submit your TMP and MOA applications please visit Traffic Management Plans - Mornington Peninsula Shire.
Do I need a pre-pour inspection prior to pouring a stormwater pit?
Yes, prior to pouring of any stormwater drainage pits within the road reserve, easement or Council Land, a pre-pour inspection must take place, with all formwork prepared and ready for concrete.
Are pre-cast/pre-made drainage pits acceptable?
No, all pits within the road reserve, easement or Council Land must be poured cast in situ and in accordance with the relevant standard drawings and specifications, Orifice/Control Pits for private developments must also be poured cast in situ.
How do I know where to connect my property stormwater?
Prior to a Road Opening/Drainage Connection permit being issued, a Legal Point of Discharge application must be submitted via Council’s website. The Legal Point of Discharge report will outline where the connection point is.
The stormwater point of discharge is a point specified by Council where stormwater from a property must be discharged. The Building Regulations requires that stormwater collected off all new buildings is to be discharged to the approved stormwater point of discharge. Visit our Stormwater Legal Point of Discharge page for more information.
If the connection relates to a development approved under a planning permit, the conditions of the planning permit may require engineering plans to be submitted to and approved by Council’s Development Engineering Team prior to the Road Opening/Drainage Connection permit being issued.
My stormwater Legal Point of Discharge point is within an easement in my property, do I still require a permit?
Yes, a permit is always required when a connection is made into a Council asset, including within an easement.
My connection point is within a neighbouring property, how do I access this?
Prior to accessing a neighbouring property, you must obtain the written consent of the property owners and occupiers and between all parties arrange an agreed date/time on when to enter the property to carry out the works.
All impacted assets must also be reinstated to the satisfaction of the relevant owners and occupiers.
Am I required to pay a refundable security bond?
A bond may be required depending on the type of works and risks to any infrastructure or community assets.
If a bond is required, payment will be required prior to the permit being issued.
I already have a Planning Permit, Building Permit or approved Engineering plans, do I still require a Road Opening/Drainage Connection Permit?
Yes, Planning Permits, Building Permits and approved engineering plans do not include specific permission to undertake works to Council Assets or works within the road reserve, easement or Council Land.
A separate Road Opening/Drainage Connection permit application must be submitted and approved before any works commence.
When am I required to submit a CCTV report?
A CCTV report is required for any drainage infrastructure installed, that Council takes future responsibility of. The report needs to be an independent CCTV inspection and report of the pipe drainage system. The report must be prepared in accordance with the Sewer Inspection Reporting Code of Australia, WSA 05-2002 (as amended) and forwarded to an Authorised Officer.
In general, the inspection shall report on any defects or features in relation to:
- the configuration of pipes, fittings and connections as required by standard drawings and/or codes
- the manufacture of the pipes
- handling and installation of the pipes
The pipe drainage system will be acceptable if Council is satisfied that the CCTV inspection does not reveal any defects.
For further information on CCTV requirements please refer to Section D – Stormwater Drains and Pits on our Construction of Roads & Drains page.
My vehicle crossing permit is expired or requires an amendment, can I extend or amend it?
An application to extend or amend a permit can be made online, details of who is requesting the extension/amendment and why it is required must be included. Applications can be made via Application to Amend or Extend a Permit.
Download: Frequently Asked Questions(PDF, 178KB)