Traffic Management Plans

Do I need to submit a Traffic Management Plan?

A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) may need to be submitted for works on Shire controlled roads, streets, lanes or footpaths. TMPs are submitted to Mornington Peninsula Shire for review and approval. Some examples where TMPs are required are below (not an exhaustive list):

  • temporary changes to traffic conditions
  • road or footpath disruptions including closures
  • traffic detours
  • occupying car parking spaces
  • any traffic management relating to events.

If you are unsure whether you need to submit a Traffic Management Plan for assessment, please email with your query.

For works on a VicRoads arterial road, you must meet VicRoads’ requirements for traffic management. Please note that approval may still need to be provided by Mornington Peninsula Shire for footpath closures on VicRoads controlled roads. More information on VicRoads’ traffic management process can be found on the VicRoads website.

If you are unsure which authority manages the road you’re working on, please consult with the Shire's Register of Public Roads or see the list of VicRoads Declared Roads within the Mornington Peninsula(PDF, 83KB).


The fees to Traffic Management Plans and subsequently issue a Memorandum of Authorisation are:

  • $359 - Traffic Management Plan Assessment – works on roads 50km/h and under
  • $659 - Traffic Management Plan Assessment – works on roads greater than 50km/h.

Exceptions include (but are not limited to) Events, works conducted by or on behalf of utility companies (verification required) and projects on behalf of and funded by Shire.

Why do I need to submit a Traffic Management Plan?

The purpose of submitting a Traffic Management Plan is to protect public safety on our roads and footpaths and to ensure that disruptions caused by works are kept to a minimum.

Traffic Management Plans are reviewed by our Traffic Engineers and once approved you will be issued with a Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA).

Who can prepare a TMP?

All TMPs must be prepared by a qualified person as required by the Road Management Act 2004 and Road Safety Act 1986 and be in accordance with:

  • The Road Management Act 2004 (traffic management code of practice 2023)
  • Road Safety Act 1986
  • AGGTM Guide to Temporary Traffic Management 2021.

Please be aware that consent for some major traffic control devices (such as the use of portable traffic signals) will require approval from VicRoads.

Do I need any other permits or approvals?

Generally speaking, the 'road reserve' is divided between the roadway (which includes the road shoulders, kerb and channel, and lanes used by traffic) and the roadside (which includes footpaths, nature strips and any grasslands or landscaped areas where they exist). 


You must apply to the relevant Coordinating Road Authority for consent to perform works within the Road Reserve and this may be the Shire and/or VicRoads/Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) based on the type of road:

  • Municipal Roads - Council is the Coordinating Road Authority for the entire road reserve.
  • Arterial Roads - Council is the Coordinating Road Authority for the Roadside, and VicRoads/DTP are the Coordinating Road Authority for the roadway.
  • Freeways (e.g. Peninsula Link and Mornington Peninsula Freeway) - VicRoads/DTP are the Coordinating Road Authority for the entire road reserve.

It is a requirement of the Shire’s Community Amenity Local Law 2022, Works on Council Land or Roads to obtain a permit to undertake any works on a road or Council land and it is a requirement of the Road Management Act 2004 to obtain written consent of the coordinating road authority to conduct any works in, on, under or over a road.

Permits are also required for drainage connections into Council drainage infrastructure within easements or road reserves (e.g. drainage pits, pipes and culverts) and for domestic service connections if works are undertaken within the road reserve or Council land. For more information on the Shire’s Community Amenity Local Law 2022 or to access a copy, please see the Local law detail page. See Engineering for details of other permits that may be required i.e.:

  • Road Opening
  • Occupation of a Road or Footpath
  • Hoarding and Overhead Protection
  • Vehicle Crossing
  • Nature Strip Landscaping. 

No works can begin, including excavation, until all required permits have been issued and all conditions have been met. If any works begin before this time enforcement action may be taken.

Application Process

Step 1.Traffic Management Plan

You will need to submit a Traffic Management Plan with your application as well as:

  • Worksite hazard assessment check list (Appendix C of the Code of Practice)
  • Shire MOA application (please ensure all sections are completed. Any incomplete applications will be sent back to the applicant)
  • Approved VicRoads MOA for the authorisation of major traffic control devices (if applicable).

Ensure you have these documents ready to attach.

Please note that by completing the Shire MOA form, the contractor and the traffic management company are agreeing to abide by the Shire’s standard terms and conditions for traffic management. A copy of the Shire MOA application and the Shire’s standard terms and conditions can be found below:

Download: Shire MOA Application(XLSX, 53KB)
Download: Shire’s Standard Terms and Conditions(PDF, 274KB)

When completing your MOA application, please carefully consider the timeframes for the works/event (including unforeseen delays), as expired MOA applications will need to be resubmitted for approval and this may lead to unnecessary delays.

Step 2.Submit your application

Complete and submit your application. You will be required to provide:

  • Property and contractor details
  • Period of works
  • Worksite hazard assessment check list (Appendix C of the Code of Practice)
  • Shire MOA application (please ensure all sections are completed. Any incomplete applications will be sent back to the applicant)
  • Traffic Management Plan/s (include any aftercare plans)
  • Approved VicRoads MOA for the authorisation of major traffic control devices (if applicable)
  • Pay the application fee.

NOTE: If you require any other permits to undertake works your MOA will be issued in conjunction with these and you will require all relevant permits before your works can commence, please see Engineering for other permits that may be relevant.

No works can begin, including excavation, until all relevant permits have been issued and all conditions have been met. If any works begin before this time enforcement action may be taken. 

Apply online

Step 3.Traffic Management Plan Review

Applications are assessed by a Traffic Engineer for compliance with the relevant regulations, standards and guidelines (mentioned above).

We have 20 days to assess traffic management applications in accordance with the Road Management Act 2004, however, we will try to respond with initial feedback within five business days.

If the submitted TMP is not to our satisfaction, we will ask for the plans to be revised and re-submitted.

Once satisfied with the TMPs, the MOA form will be signed and returned to the applicant with the approved TMPs.

Step 4.MOA Issued

Once satisfied with the TMP, the MOA form will be signed and returned to you with the approved TMPs.

NOTE:If you require a Road Opening / Drainage Connection / Works in Road Reserve Permit your MOA will be issued in conjunction with this and you will require both permits before your works can commence, please see Road Opening / Drainage Connection / Works in Road Reserve Permit.

Step 5.Implementation of TMP

Implementation of TMPs must be in accordance with the appropriate legislation. Copies of the approved Shire MOA, TMPs and any associated permits must be kept on site during the works. Individual contractors/works managers are responsible for implementing the TMP and work sites may be inspected by Council officers at any time.