There are many actions that you can take at home to reduce waste, recycle more and save money. Visit our Waste Wise Peninsula webpage to finds connections to businesses, programs and ideas to help you make simple switches!
- Avoid packaging, particularly single-use plastic packaging, by investing in BYO cutlery, coffee cup and produce bags.
- Avoid packaging by visiting one of the bulk food shops on the Peninsula
- Over 40% of waste going to landfill is food waste. Composting is a natural process that can be harnessed in your own backyard to reduce food waste going to landfill. Order your discounted compost bin, worm farm or bokashi bin.
- Got e-waste? Recycle your unwanted e-waste (electronic or electrical items).
- What goes in your bins? Find out what can and can’t go in your recycling bin and household waste bin to help recycle right.
- Free recycling at our Resource Recovery Centres and Hoppers. Learn the range of items you can dispose of FREE. Reducing landfill by adopting recycling and resource recovery can save you money! Visit our Waste Disposal Guide.