Mobile recycling trailer

Mobile Recycling Trailer in single car park space.jpg

Looking to book the Shire’s mobile recycling trailer?

The recycling trailer is available for residents to drop off their unwanted clothing and small electrical items (no batteries, embedded or otherwise)

Note: small electrical items and other e-waste cannot be placed in either rubbish or recycling bins

  • Your community group or organisation can book the trailer (free of charge) to come to your town.
  • We can help you with marketing materials and to spread the message.

The trailer takes items such as clean clothing, hats, shoes, bags, bed linen and towels (NOT doonas or pillows) and electrical items such as hair dryers, toasters, drills, mobile phones, tablets and laptops.

Please remove batteries and/or items with embedded batteries and recycle at either Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres or drop off centres. Advise staff on arrival that you have embedded batteries in items to recycle.

Helps us bring e-waste and textile recycling to your local area and make it easier than ever for your community to divert more items from landfill and work towards our zero-waste future.

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Trailer Locations 2025

  • Flinders - 10 February - 28 February, Flinders General Store, Cook St, Flinders 
  • Dromana - 28 February - 24 March, Dromana Senior Citizens Centre, Pier St, Dromana
  • Rosebud - 24 March - 4 April, Our Lady of Fatima Primary, Hinton St, Rosebud
  • St Andrews - 4 April - 28 April, St Andrews Beach Kinder, Rec Reserve, Bass Meadows Boulevard, St Andrews
  • Crib Point - 28 April - 16 May, St Joseph's Primary, Martin St, Crib Point
  • TBC - 16 May - 30 May, TBC
  • Mt Martha - 30 May - 20 June, Mt Martha Community House, Esplanade, Mt Martha
  • Crib Point - 1 August - 21 August, Crib Point Community House, Park Street, Crib Point
  • Mt Eliza - 6 Oct - 27 Oct, Mt Eliza Neighbourhood House, 90-00 Canadian Bay Rd, Mt Eliza
  • Mt Eliza - 18 Nov - 8 Dec, Toorak College, Old Mornington Road, Mt Eliza
  • Hastings - 8 Dec - 19 Dec, St Mary's Primary, Marine Parade, Hastings

Missed the trailer in your town? There are a number of static bins located across the Peninsula. To find you nearest one Hub Finder - SCR Group


Book the trailer

Step 1.Read the mobile recycling trailer terms and conditions

By booking, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined further down this page. They include that you will:

  • Promote the trailer to your local community.
  • Monitor the trailer for illegal dumping. Please report any dumping to the 24-hour hotline on the trailer 

Step 2.Book a time slot

Book a time slot using the online calendar

Bookings are automatically set to a time period of 4 weeks (20 business days).

Step 3.Start the promotion and get ready for the trailer to be delivered

The Shire will arrange for the trailer to be delivered.

You can promote the trailer to your local community using the promotional flyer.

Download: Recycling trailer promotional flyer(PDF, 269KB)

Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

  • Community groups are eligible to book the mobile recycling trailer in 4 week blocks. At the time of booking, a trailer location must be specified.
  • Bookings are not confirmed until the Shire has reviewed and approved the booking including the proposed location of the trailer.
  • The trailer must be located on a hard stand area in a location where there is no requirement for the trailer to be manually moved in or out of position to allow the trailer to be hitched to the vehicle.
  • The trailer when parked must allow access to the rear of the trailer to allow for collected material to be removed by a contractor.
  • Individuals are unable to book the trailer. Individuals are encouraged to partner with their local community organisation.
  • To ensure equitable access, community groups are limited to 1 booking per year.
  • The Community group making the booking is responsible for monitoring the trailer for illegal dumping and damages. Community groups will report any issues to the hotline as listed on the trailer.
  • All items deposited within the trailer will be collected by contractor.
  • The Shire will transport the trailer between each booking.
  • The Shire is unable to promote each booking. Community groups are encouraged to promote the trailer by: listing the trailer on the Shire's event listing and using the recycling trailer promotional flyer(PDF, 269KB).
  • The Shire reserves the right to discontinue the trailer at any time. 

How does this help?

Australians are some of the largest generators of electronic waste (e-waste) in the world and currently only 20% of e-waste is recycled worldwide. A range of non-renewable resources are used in e-waste. Recovering these valuable resources, reduces further depletion of limited reserves. Learn more about e-waste recycling.

Likewise, Australians created 800,000 tonnes of textile waste per year. Only 26% was recycled, the remaining went to landfill.

What items can the trailer recycle?

  • clothing
  • shoes
  • accessories (bags, sunglasses)
  • small electronics (e.g. mobile phones, blenders and hair dryer, power tools)

Larger electronic waste can be recycled at the Resource Recovery Centres. Fees apply for fridges, freezers and some bulky items (e.g. recliner chair). Check our Waste & Recycling Guide for more information.

Where is the best place for the trailer?

Trailers must be placed in locations that:

  • Are well lit
  • Has high foot/car traffic
  • Allows people to safely use the trailer
  • Does not obstruct walkways or cars
  • The landowner’s permission must be obtained prior to your booking

Where does my recycling go?

94% of items collected are diverted from landfill.

Of the textiles:

  • 70% is rehomed locally or in global communities
  • 15% is recycled into rags
  • 9% is converted in biofuels
  • 6% is landfilled in Australia (note that this material comprises non-compliant textile materials such as carpet, rugs and illegal dumping including clothing placed outside the trailer that becomes soiled due to weather impact.)

Learn more about how the SCRgroup collects the textiles and e-waste and helps divert them from landfill.

Support local

Residents are encouraged to donate their sellable goods to local op shops. Op shops have limited storage, hence when op shops are unable to accept items, residents can use the mobile trailers.