Save Rosebud Hospital


What we are asking for 

  • Urgent investment in Rosebud Hospital to keep it open 
  • Acute emergency care closer to home – not dangerously far away
  • Reduced waiting times and improved patient outcomes
  • Extension of Frankston’s Medical Research and Education Precinct to Rosebud 

What makes this unique

Rosebud Hospital has been starved of funds and is in poor condition. To access acute emergency care during the busy summer peak, our community must travel up to 2 hours to Frankston Hospital. It’s putting people’s lives at risk: Frankston is too far. Nowhere else in metropolitan Melbourne is acute emergency care this far away.  

  • Rosebud Hospital was built more than 60 years ago and is now in poor condition. 
  • The Peninsula's population is growing - 170,000 and counting. 
  • We have one of the largest populations of older residents in Victoria. 
  • The hospital bears the additional pressure of more than 8 million visitors a year. 
  • For specialist care, our community often needs to travel to Melbourne. 
  • A Medical Research and Education Precinct could deliver more specialist services and Monash University research. 
  • It will provide training and jobs for residents and opportunities for local businesses  .

Why this is important 

Without urgent investment soon, Rosebud Hospital is at risk of closing. A redeveloped hospital would provide acute emergency care close to home and more specialist services - including chemotherapy and dialysis. Healthcare is an essential service and up-to-date infrastructure is crucial for our community wellbeing. There is an urgent need for: 

  • A new and expanded emergency and imaging department 
  • New operating theatres 
  • More hospital beds 

A redeveloped hospital would attract the best healthcare professionals to the Peninsula. It would also provide the opportunity to bring a range of services together, including aged care, education and research. Existing services such as Monash University and Chisholm TAFE could be better connected to Rosebud Hospital.