Small business friendly council

Council continues to support and develop growing the capacity of small businesses on our Peninsula particularity as a response to COVID-19. In May 2019, Council became a Small Business Friendly Council with the launch of a Charter to support small businesses. 94% of small businesses employ less than 5 people. 

Small business charter

The charter is an agreement between Council and the Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC) to create a fair trading environment for small businesses. Some of these agreements include:

  • work with small businesses disrupted by infrastructure projects
  • support the creation of small business networks across Victoria
  • streamline permit approval processes for small businesses
  • prompt payment to small businesses
  • easy to read and understand information for Victorian small businesses
  • open channels of communication between the VSBC and local councils.

Small business champion

Recently council showed its support for the small business sector by publicly affirming its commitment to the Small Business Charter and appointing Councillor Anthony Marsh as the Small Business Champion. Council will consult with businesses to develop a refreshed 10 year Economic Development & Tourism strategy in 2023.

Small business support

The Small Business Charter is in alignment with Council's $10 million recovery packaged which has already been adopted. 

Find grants and funding for small business