Strategy & Plan Listing

116 Result(s) Found

The Shire's Arts and Culture Plan 2020-2024 strongly reflects the voice of our community and sets a vision for encouraging a rich, inclusive and vibrant culture on the Mornington Peninsula. Through this Plan, we will strengthen the capacity of our community and create an environment in which the arts flourish through Council’s involvement, support and investment in places and spaces, cultural activities and arts practice for the next five years.

Our Arts and Culture 2024 articulates the long-term benefits of growing and valuing culture in the Mornington Peninsula. The goals and strategies developed from over 1000 people's feedback aim to build community capacity by enabling people and places to thrive.

The Plan focuses on valuing our creative industries and cultural economy, access to broader arts and cultural experiences for our whole community and celebrating and enabling arts and culture on the Peninsula. 

This Master Plan consolidates proposed improvements, and provides a development and management framework for the reserve in order to guide not only projects but also decision making for future improvements in the Reserve. The Master Plan addresses issues such as provision of sport and recreation facilities, opportunities for informal recreation, traffic and parking and environmental management. Through the Master Plan it is intended that outdoor recreation and sports participation will be fostered, community connections enhanced and natural values protected and enhanced.

The Master Plan has benefited from contributions from key stakeholders, user groups and the local community. Those taking part in the consultation process have been encouraged to provide feedback on what they consider to be the constraints of Balnarring Recreation Reserve and importantly what they consider to be great opportunities for the Reserve.

As a result of this input, the Master Plan directions reflect many of the views contributed during the consultation process.


The Balnarring Township Structure Plan (the Plan) was adopted by Council on 19  August 2019.  A key challenge for the Shire is the need to balance the demands for urban growth and the preservation of the natural landscape and rural activity on the Peninsula.  The Shire has already completed separate structure plans for the townships of Mornington, Rosebud, Hastings, Baxter and Somerville.

The role of the structure plan is to identify current and emerging issues and opportunities that relate to Balnarring township. It will set a structure that will provide for the form of development and traffic, transport and pedestrian connectivity and safety, among other things, that are appropriate to the vision for the township.

A structure plan determines what is working well in an area and how this can be enhanced, as well as how the area can grow and change in the future. It provides clear strategies for how this can be achieved. 

At its meeting of 15 July 2024, Council noted the progress report relating to the Balnarring Township Structure Plan.


The Baxter Township Structure Plan is a plan to manage future change in the township of Baxter. The Shire is currently undertaking a number of structure plans for its activity centres, including Baxter Township, to guide future development and provide effectively for changing community needs. 

A structure plan is a planning tool that sets out a vision for the future development of a place. It establishes a planning and management framework to guide development and land-use change and aims to achieve environmental, social and economic objectives.

An essential aspect of the structure planning process is feedback from the community on how the area should evolve. 

A structure plan determines what is working well in an area and how this can be enhanced, as well as how the area can grow and change in the future. It provides clear strategies for how this can be achieved. 

At its meeting of 15 July 2024, Council noted the progress report relating to the Baxter Township Structure Plan.


Mornington Peninsula Shire is adopting an ambitious target to send zero waste directly to landfill by 2030. Following  extensive consultation, the Shire has developed a Beyond Zero Waste Strategy that contains actions across the next ten years to support a circular economy and meet the Shire’s annual greenhouse gas emission reductions target.

Our natural environment and biodiversity are a key part of what makes the Peninsula such a special place to live, work and visit.

The Shire's Biodiversity Conservation Plan (adopted 13 August 2019) establishes strategies and actions to protect and improve the resilience of the Mornington Peninsula's natural environment and biodiversity.

Actions outlined in the Plan are focused on six key areas:

  • Engaging with the community and building stewardship;
  • Facilitating biodiversity conservation on private land;
  • Protecting biodiversity through planning and policy;
  • Building a strong knowledge base;
  • Demonstrating and leading best-practice land management; and
  • Building ecosystem resilience in a changing climate.

To find out more about the Peninsula's natural environment visit our natural environment and biodiversity

To see the progress we've made implementing the Biodiversity Conservation Plan, you can download our latest progress report below. 

The Briars Master Plan reflects your vision for this much-loved community space.

The Plan focuses on protecting, enhancing and celebrating the natural, cultural and heritage beauty of the Briars and is an exciting step towards realising the community’s vision for the site.

One of our main aims during the development of the Plan was to keep what is already loved and bring in some new, carefully considered experiences that allow more people to enjoy the Briars. 

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N - R

Narambi Recreation Reserve Plan(PDF, 28MB)
Narambi Recreation Reserve Plan Report(PDF, 24MB)
Neighbourhood Character Study and Guidelines


Open Space Strategy Volume 1(PDF, 350KB)
Open Space Strategy Volume 2(PDF, 806KB)
Open Space Strategy Volume 3(PDF, 285KB)

Parking Precinct Plans
Pedestrian Access Strategy
Planning Policy Framework (PPF)
Playspace Strategy 2015 - 2020(PDF, 7MB)
Playspace Strategy Appendix - Township Analysis Recommendations 2015(PDF, 4MB)
Police Point Volume 1 Conservation Management Plan(PDF, 9MB)
Police Point Volume 2 Landscape Plan(PDF, 4MB)Portsea Foreshore Reserve Coastal Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Positive Ageing Strategy 2020-2025
Property Strategy - December 2018(PDF, 617KB)
Public Toilet Strategy(PDF, 514KB)

Reconciliation Action Plan 2020-2022
Reconciliation Background Paper, May 2008(PDF, 3MB)

Red Hill Recreation Reserve Long Term Master Plan(PDF, 5MB)

Red Hill Traffic Management Study(PDF, 3MB)
Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-22
Road Improvement Strategy(PDF, 12MB)
Road Management Plan
Roadside Equestrian and Mountain Bike Trails strategy(PDF, 6MB)
Roadsides Fire Management Plan(PDF, 1MB)
Rosebud Coastal Management Plan - May 2015(PDF, 9MB)
Rosebud Activity Centre Structure Plan - May 2015
Rosebud Activity Centre Urban Design Framework - May 2015(PDF, 18MB)
Rosebud West Local Action Plan(PDF, 236KB)
Rye Coastal Processes Study
Rye Foreshore Master Plan Report(PDF, 35MB)
Rye Recreational Boating Precinct Plan(PDF, 5MB)
Rye Recreational Boating Precinct Plan: Background Report(PDF, 548KB)
Rye Town Centre Urban Design Framework(PDF, 5MB)