Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

Aboriginal cultural heritage on the Mornington Peninsula is overseen by The Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation and First Peoples - State Relations. You can contact our Planning Services team on (03) 5950 1010 or planning@mornpen.vic.gov.au to find out whether your proposal is likely to affect Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation is the Registered Aboriginal Party for the Mornington Peninsula representing the Traditional Owners. The public authority provides cultural heritage and environmental land management advice. It is also the approval body for Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs), Cultural Heritage Permits (CHPs) and other relevant approvals, permits and agreements under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

A CHMP is required when a 'high impact activity' is planned in an area of 'cultural heritage sensitivity'. These terms are defined in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. A CHP is required for specific activities that affect Aboriginal cultural heritage, an Aboriginal place or an Aboriginal cultural heritage object even if a CHMP is not required.

First Peoples – State Relations

The First Peoples – State Relations is the State Government department responsible for administering the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. The public authority works with Traditional Owners to protect and manage Victoria's Aboriginal cultural heritage.