Publicly Available Information

How we make information available to the public and where to find it

We make information available through a range of options. Publishing this information reflects our commitment to transparency and openness. It also meets the commitments outlined in our Public Transparency Policy, the Local Government Act 2020 and the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

What information do we make available and where?

Information is available through:

  • our websites, social media and printed publications.
  • documents at our customer service centres (both on display and available by request).
  • release under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
  • key Council budget briefings open to the public.
  • any other appropriate means as determined by Council, the Chief Executive Officer, or the Manager - Legal and Governance
  • All information is publicly available unless it is confidential, or its release would not be in the public interest. 

Publicly available information includes:

Council and committee information

Governance documents

The following documents and registers are also available:

Contact the Governance team for further information or to view these documents in person.

Phone: 5950 1137

Annual Report and Budget

The Shire publishes Council’s Annual Report in alignment with the Local Government Act 2020. Council’s Annual Report and adopted Budget is available to view on this website and at Council Customer Service centres.

Information, including that contained in registers previously available online or for inspection is now published in Council’s Annual Report and Council’s Budget.

This includes:

  • interstate and overseas travel
  • special committees established by Council
  • contracts exceeding prescribed amount not tendered
  • leases
  • grants, subsidies and donations 


Council publishes newsletters, reports and information online in the news and media section of our website. Some of this information is also available for viewing at our customer service centres or provided in hard copy. Council can assist you in accessing these publications by contacting Customer Service.

Freedom of information (FOI)

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives right of access to documents held by Council. Find more information about Freedom of Information, including how to make an application for documents.

Building and Planning information

Council makes building and planning information publicly available in accordance with relevant legislation. This includes a range of Building Information certificates, Report and Consent, copies of House plans and adjoining owner information required for specific building applications.

Planning information, including advertised planning applications, existing planning permits and planning scheme amendments are also available.

Part II Statement

This section provides information and links to documents the Shire publishes and makes available in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 Part II Statement requirements. This statement was updated on 11 November 2021.

Statement 1: Organisation and Functions

Statement 2: Categories of Documents

Agendas and minutes of meetings

Instruments of delegation and authorisation

Reports prepared by external consultants 

Annual and financial reports

Organisational and staffing records

Requests for information under FOI

Building and planning permits 

Legal documents including contracts, leases and   agreements

Residential parking permit applications

Building regulations enforcement documents

Local law permits

Risk management assessments

Cat and dog registrations

Mailing lists

Standard operating procedures

Correspondence (general and Councillor)

Maternal and child health records

Surveys, statistics and data

Council resolutions

Media releases and general advertising

Tender evaluations

Departmental publications including newsletters

Memorandums of Understanding and service agreements

Training material

Disclosures of conflicts of interest

Officer recommendations

Written and verbal complaints received and records of subsequent investigations

Documents submitted by third parties

Policies, guidelines, strategies and plans

 Employee records

Internal administration documents

Public and stakeholder consultation processes and outcomes

Records of the administration and enforcement of  legislation and Local Laws 


Statement 3: Documents Available for Public Inspection

The Shire makes available a range of documents and registers in accordance with legislative requirements. Some of these include:

Statement 4: Literature Available by Subscription or Free Mailing List

Statement 5 & 6: Freedom of Information Arrangements

Statement 7: Committees Established by Council

Statement 8: Public Libraries