Draft housing targets
The draft housing targets be revised to provide a 15-year horizon (as per the existing PPF), with the 27-year horizon being an aspirational target.
That Council work with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to confirm that the modelling for the draft housing target has regard to the Shire’s special characteristics that constrain sustainable residential development, namely the Urban Growth Boundary, extent of Green Wedge, vulnerable coasts on both Port Phillip Bay and Western Port Bay, extent of bushfire prone land and inadequate public transport.
That Council work with DTP to revise the modelling for the draft housing target to reflect potential limitations of areas affected by Design and Development Overlays.
That Council requests DTP to confirm if the urban modelling study area excludes the Mornington Peninsula.
DTP should publicly release modelling maps of housing targets to show how the targets ‘shape’ the Plan for Victoria.
DTP should define housing targets as housing capacity targets.
The draft housing targets should include ‘Diversity’ targets for housing size, typology, and affordability index.
The draft housing targets should seek to ‘shape’ future housing distribution and direct it to areas with existing access to frequent public transport and community infrastructure or where State Government investment is already occurring rather than just intensifying existing settlement patterns.
That Council work with DTP to revise the modelling for the draft housing target to address areas of inadequate infrastructure capacity.
The application of the final housing targets must specifically consider the impacts of sea level rise and coastal erosion on housing capacity.
The State Government collaborate with Council to ensure the final housing targets reflect the important and distinct role the Mornington Peninsula plays in the context of the wider metropolitan region and ensure that the special values of the Shire are maintained and enhanced for all Victorians.
The draft housing targets should factor in the proportion of short-term rental accommodation in each local government area.
Big Idea 1:
More homes in locations with great public transport access
The Plan for Victoria should include an action to review the Development Contributions Plan Overlay for the provision of development and community infrastructure or propose another mechanism to collect contributions from infill development.
The DTP to integrate plans for significant upgrades to public infrastructure and plans to upgrade major roads nearing capacity in areas identified for future housing growth.
The new Plan for Victoria must highlight the Mornington Peninsula Localised Planning Statement and have regard for the Mornington Peninsula’s special characteristics that limit its ability to absorb significant population growth.
Big Idea 2:
More housing options for all Victorians, including social and affordable homes
The Plan for Victoria should include a State-wide mechanism in the Victorian Planning Provision (VPPs) to require mandatory developer contributions to deliver social housing.
The VPPs be amended to introduce a codified Rescode benchmark that any multi dwelling development of three or more dwellings must provide at least one dwelling with no more than two bedrooms.
Big Idea 3:
More jobs and opportunities closer to where you live
In conjunction with the Council, the State Government should facilitate a precinct plan for land identified as surplus in the Port of Hastings strategic development plan, to provide the southern metropolitan region a large area of land for housing, industry, farming and conservation.
The new Plan for Victoria should identify strategic locations for high-value employment precincts.
Big Idea 4:
More options for how we move from place to place
The Plan for Victoria must include actions for the development of public transport infrastructure for urban-fringe councils and propose mechanisms to fund the improvement and development of active transport infrastructure.
Big Idea 5:
More certainty and guidance on how places will change over time
Council request that DTP should circulate the modelling assumptions and applications to each Victorian municipality.
Big Idea 6:
More trees and urban greening in our parks and community space
The Plan for Victoria must provide support at the strategic level for the implementation of urban forest strategies, including the consideration of specific mechanisms to improve canopy cover on privately owned urban land.
The Plan for Victoria should include an action to set specific targets to increase canopy cover and deliver planting projects for State owned or managed land.
The new Plan for Victoria must provide support at the strategic level for the development and funding of high-quality open space infrastructure, including maintenance, upgrading and replacement over the life of the assets.
Big Idea 7:
More protections from flooding, bushfire and climate hazards
The Plan for Victoria should include an action to undertake state-wide sea level rise mapping and a state-wide mechanism in the VPPs to address future development in identified areas vulnerable to sea level rise.
The Plan for Victoria must provide support at the strategic level for the revision of bushfire planning controls and associated mapping based on the latest and best science.
The Plan for Victoria must provide support at the strategic level for the review of urban inundation modelling and mapping and implement the associated planning scheme amendments.
The new Plan for Victoria should include an action to introduce Environmental Sustainability Design standards in the VPPs for ‘zero carbon’ development.
Big Idea 8:
Greater protection of our agricultural land
The new Plan for Victoria should incorporate actions to protect the distinctive role and function of the Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge.
The new Plan for Victoria should identify a scheme for recycled water infrastructure on the Peninsula to increase resilience to climate change by accessing a high-quality alternative water supply for agricultural industries