Electronic Rates Notices
EzyBill electronic delivery of rate and animal renewal notices
If you wish to receive your rate notice via email and be able to access them 24/7, you can register for EzyBill. This service is provided by our Printer, LANES Communication.
To register, you will need to have a rate notice in your name and create an account. Once you have registered, rate notices will be emailed from noreply@ezybill.com.au.
If you need to access your rate notices or to register, please click on this link to the portal https://mornpen.ezybill.com.au/.
For new property owners, once you receive your first Annual Rates & Valuation Notice you can sign-up for electronic delivery of rate notices.

EzyBill also has a Pay Now button option. When you click on this button, it will take you directly through to the Shire's website to pay by card. Please be aware that there is a surcharge when paying by card.
Once you receive your animal renewal notice you can register for electronic delivery through EzyBill.
Any other enquiries, please call Revenue on 5950 1080 or email ratescorrespondence@mornpen.vic.gov.au.