Position on the Future Role and Development of the Port of Hastings

The Port of Hastings is a state significant asset with key competitive advantages that make it attractive for future economic development and growth, including naturally deep waters and extensive land reserved for port-related purposes.

The Port exists within the environmentally sensitive Western Port Biosphere which contains ecological values of local, regional, national and international significance, whilst also fulfilling important recreation and tourism functions.

Regarding the future of the Port of Hastings, Council’s current advocacy position is:

  1. Reiterates its position that ‘Planning will provide for the protection of the important values and resources of Western Port and its land catchment having regard to the importance of recreation, nature conservation and tourism. These will be major considerations in the planning and management of the area for port and port related industrial purposes.’ (Mornington Peninsula Localised Planning Statement, page 11).

  2. Calls on the Victorian Government for certainty regarding the future role of the Port and the planning and release of surplus land that will not be needed for Port development to unlock the potential of this region and provide much needed land for housing, employment, agriculture and conservation.

  3. Supports the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and acknowledges that current and future projects proposed for Port of Hastings have the potential to assist with this transition. However, the Western Port Wetland is a declared Ramsar wetland of international importance and any proposed project must be responsive to this unique and precious environment and any potential negative impacts carefully considered.

  4. Seeks to ensure that any proposal delivers environmental, social and economic benefits to the Mornington Peninsula Shire, including supporting the development of a local green economy that creates sustainable jobs that support and value the Western Port environment.

  5. Reiterates the need for the Victorian Government:
  • to develop a Strategic Framework for the future of Western Port Bay, as a formal document advocating for the restoration and protection of the marine environment and surrounding catchment of Western Port;
  • to establish an ecologically sustainable and thriving economy for the future, recognising the importance of ensuring the future economic prosperity of the region in conjunction with promoting environmental protection and restoration.