Learn more about how to pay your rates in person, online, BPay, at the Post Office, by phone or direct debit. When are rates due, when will you get your rates notice and more.
Council rates are a property based tax. Therefore, the rates you pay are based on the value of the property you own.
Answers to common questions regarding rates and valuations.
View our Rates Forms such as Name Change, Address Change, Personal Authority, Company Authority, Land Information Certificates, Rebates and more.
Prefer to get your rates notice by email? Rates and/or animal registration can be emailed to you, if you sign-up for eZYBILL.
Learn more about: conservation land rate, heritage rebates, pension concessions (municipal rates concessions).
The Fire Service Property Levy (FSPL) is a State Government charge that replaces the previous fire levy collected through insurance policies. FSPL was introduced 1 July 2013.
The provisions of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 specify that all Victorian Councils are required to separately rate each part of a property that is able to be separately occupied.
Property valuations are used to calculate how much you pay in rates. From 1 July 2022 the Valuer-General Victoria will be responsible to undertake all annual revaluations across Victoria.
We are committed to ensuring that surplus Shire owned land is made available for redevelopment and proceeds of land sales are reinvested.
Differential rating for properties that meet the “Farm land” criteria set out under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 Section 2(1).