Council is tasked by the State Government to ensure all affected property owners comply with the swimming pool registration and compliance requirements.
A pool or spa safety barrier does not replace the need for constant adult supervision of children around water.
The landowner where a swimming pool or spa is located must take all reasonable measures to ensure that the safety barrier is in place and properly maintained at all times and to ensure that any gate or door forming part of a barrier restricting access to the swimming pool or spa area remains closed except when a person is entering or leaving the part of the land on which the swimming pool or spa is located.
Penalties apply for non-compliance.
For more information about the new Victorian Government legislation, visit the Victorian Building Authority website page.
A pool or spa safety barrier does not replace the need for constant adult supervision of children around water.
Pool barrier maintenance
The owner of the land on which a swimming pool or spa is located must take all reasonable steps to ensure that a barrier restricting access to the swimming pool or spa area is properly maintained at all times. Penalty: over $8000
Swimming pool and spa barrier operation
An occupier of the land on which a swimming pool or spa is located must take all reasonable steps to ensure that a barrier restricting access to the swimming pool or spa area is operating effectively and safely.
Swimming pool and spa barrier gate must remain closed
An occupier of the land on which a swimming pool or spa is located must take all reasonable steps to ensure that any gate or door forming part of a barrier restricting access to the swimming pool or spa area remains closed except when a person is entering or leaving the part of the land on which the swimming pool or spa is located. Penalty: over $8000.
A person who opens a gate or door forming part of a barrier restricting access to the swimming pool or spa area must ensure that the gate or door is closed immediately after entering or leaving the part of the land on which the swimming pool or spa is located. Penalty: over $8000.
Further information
Penalties are subject to change with Victorian Building Authority and State legislation.
For more information about the new Victorian Government legislation, visit the Victorian Building Authority website page.
The Shire does not offer a pool and spa inspection and certification service. It is not affiliated with any providers of this service and does not endorse or support any providers of this service.
The Shire is tasked by the State Government to ensure all affected property owners comply with the new regulations and penalties will apply for non-compliance.