Performing Arts Centre

What we are asking

Help us elevate the Mornington Peninsula’s reputation as an arts and culture destination. We are currently undertaking a business case and concept development.

We are seeking funding to deliver the next stage, which is a detailed concept design.

What makes this unique

The Mornington Peninsula is a community intensely engaged with the creative arts. We have the 4th highest participation rate in arts and culture in Victoria:

  • 88% of residents regularly attend cultural venues or events
  • 44% of residents are actively involved in creative activities themselves Despite being home to a remarkably productive and vibrant arts and culture sector, the Peninsula lacks the infrastructure and facilities to showcase and grow this vital part of our economy.

Why this is important

We have a strong creative community:

  • More than 30 dance schools, 23 historical groups, 20 community choirs, 10 amateur theatre groups, 54 schools, 350 stakeholder community groups/ organisations, and hundreds of artists. Lack of facilities is holding us back
  • Benchmarking shows we are significantly under-serviced when compared to municipalities with similar populations, with only one Council-run dedicated arts space (MPRG).
  • We are unable to capitalise on the Peninsula’s growing reputation as an arts and culture destination without additional creative space dedicated to the arts.

It’s what our community wants – More than 1000 local residents provided input to our Arts and Culture Plan, their key asks included:

  • More dedicated arts and cultural spaces, including a performing arts centre
  • Greater support for creatives and creative industries
  • More arts and culture experiences and activities across the Peninsula
  • Better promotion of our Aboriginal arts and culture.

The benefits - supporting evidence and strategies

Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Arts and Culture Plan 2020-2024 revealed:

  • More than 923 local businesses and non-profit organisations are active in the creative and cultural industries
  • More than 3.4% of the region’s workforce are engaged in the sector
  • Our arts sector plays a significant role in attracting more than 7 million domestic and international visitors to the region each year
  • There is significant untapped commercial potential that could position the Peninsula as a leading destination for the Arts in Victoria.
  • There are significant health and wellbeing benefits that spring from the arts and culture sector

The contribution of a creative economy in improving cultural diversity, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and technological advancement is well recognised by both the Australian and Victorian Governments.

Both governments acknowledge the continuing effects of COVID-19 on the cultural and creative sectors and look to provide targeted support for their recovery.

One of the principles of the recently released Australia National Cultural Policy, Revive, is the restoration, building and maintenance of cultural infrastructure which includes venues and theatre.