Biodiversity Programs

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The Shire manages nearly 2000 hectares of public land for biodiversity conservation in our bushland, foreshore and roadside reserves.

These remnant areas of bushland provide an important habitat for the Peninsula’s diverse range of plants and animals.

The Shire undertakes a range of programs in these reserves to protect and enhance biodiversity and reduce the impact of threats posed by environmental weeds, pest animals and habitat loss. Our two main biodiversity management programs are focused on environmental weed and pest animal control. Other activities include threatened species management, protecting Eucalypt trees, habitat protection and enhancement and revegetation. Reserves are also managed to minimize the impact of bushfire.

Environmental Weed Control Program

Environmental weed control is the largest of the Shire's biodiversity management programs. Under this program, over 40 species of high threat environmental weeds are controlled across almost 90 reserves. Works are planned on an annual basis and work towards achieving long-term biodiversity goals.

Target species range from widespread weeds such as Sweet Pittosporum, Blackberry and Panic Veldt Grass through to species known only from a few locations, such as Chilean Needle Grass, Serrated Tussock and African Weed-orchid.

Pest Animal Control Program

Pest animal control aims to protect significant fauna and flora on Shire-managed land (mostly bushland and foreshore reserves) such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot, White-footed Dunnart, Australasian Bittern and migratory shorebirds. Works are prioritised to focus on a few key locations and are co-ordinated with other land managers. Target species included foxes, rabbits and cats.

Explore a bushland reserve near you

Our bushland and foreshore reserves are also important places where residents can spend time in nature and enjoy a range of passive recreational activities. Visit my neighbourhood or our parks and reserves directory to explore some of the bushland and foreshore reserves near you.

Join a Friends Group

Most weekends across the Peninsula, volunteers work together with the Shire to protect the biodiversity values of these reserves as part of a Friends Group. Find out more on our Friends Group page.