How long will the Centre be closed for?
To undertake the works the centre will be required to be temporarily closed and current estimates are that the closure is likely to be 6 months. The closure is planned to commence from 11 January 2025. The gym will be closed as of Thursday 9 January 2025 to relocate gym equipment.
Why was the closure date delayed?
Several factors delayed the closure date including equipment lead time and the benefits of keeping the centre open during the Christmas and New Year period. Construction typically halts for around 3.5 weeks during this time, so keeping the centre open is better for the timeline of the works and our community.
Why are you closing the entire Centre?
The works are to complete necessary upgrades to existing equipment that has reached end of life and undertake various other works across the facility.
There will be impact upon the aquatic and gym experience and the closure is necessary to protect the safety of staff, members and visitors.
What works are being completed?
Replacing the Boilers and HVAC, which regulate temperatures and ventilation. Structural works to the pool and pool deck. Pool plant upgrades along with other works to improve the facility and your experience, including more spacious family change cubicles, accessible changeroom upgrade with hoist and steam room upgrade.
Why are the works required?
The equipment is the original from opening and has reached its end-of-life recommendation and requires replacement to continue valuable service to the community. The works will reduce the utility and maintenance costs associated with operating the facility for years to come.
Will this upgrade support Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Climate Emergency Plan?
The replacement of the failing heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems will optimise centre operations and lead to a reduction of carbon emissions. In designing the package of works consideration has been made to allow for future centre electrification.
Why is the Centre closed over the summer period?
The closure is aligned with our premier heated outdoor seasonal pool and some programming can be relocated there. The facility is only an 11-minute drive away. There is also public transport.
If you haven’t already, it is a great time to get to know our Crib Point Outdoor Pool.
What will be Crib Point Pool's opening hours once Pelican Park Recreation Centre is closed?
The initial opening hours will be as below and will be reassessed as we head into autumn.
Monday - Friday: 6am – 9pm
Saturday - Sunday: 8am – 7pm
Public Holiday: 8am - 4pm
How long is the facility proposed to be closed for?
Approximately 6 months
Why is the facility closed for so long?
We consider safety for members, casual users, staff and contractors. Due to the significant lead time for materials and disruption across the facility, specific areas cannot be isolated, and all sections of the building will be affected.
Download: General FAQs(PDF, 176KB)