Dwellings / Dwelling additions within the Green Wedge Zone
This information is for landowners within the Green Wedge Zone who wish to:
- Construct a new dwelling on vacant land
- Construct a replacement dwelling
- Construct dwelling additions to an existing dwelling
Dwellings within a Green Wedge zone
A planning permit is required to construct a dwelling (including the construction of a replacement dwelling) and to undertake dwelling additions. A planning permit is also required to use a rural property for residential purposes (i.e. a dwelling) on all lots within the Green Wedge Zone.
It is important to note that not all vacant lots within the Green Wedge Zone will be suitable for residential purposes. There is no entitlement to construct a house on rural land. Prior to purchasing a property within the Green Wedge Zone or contemplating residential development on rural land, it is strongly recommended that you contact the Shire’s Planning Support team on (03) 5950 1010 to discuss your proposal.
All applications must satisfy the provisions of the Mornington Peninsula Planning Scheme and have particular regard to landscape (will the dwelling blend within the landscape?), land use (will the use of the land compromise the agricultural use of the land and the use of nearby properties?) and environmental issues (how does the proposal seek to protect/enhance vegetation, waterways, habitat corridors etc?).
Application requirements for dwellings / dwelling additions in the Green Wedge Zone
A planning application for a new dwelling on vacant land, a replacement dwelling or dwelling additions must include the following information to support your application:
- A site plan identifying the location of the proposed dwelling/replacement dwelling/dwelling additions on the property with dimensioned setbacks from property boundaries and significant land features (topography, existing vegetation, existing buildings, waterways, location of crossovers etc) as well as any vegetation that is to be removed/retained in the area of the development
- Fully dimensioned elevation plans that also identify building materials and colours
- Fully dimensioned floor plans
- If agricultural activity is to be undertaken on the land, a farm management plan prepared by a suitable qualified person to include (but not limited to) the following:
- natural features (vegetation, waterways etc)
- constructed features (fencing (including fencing type), dams, internal access roads etc)
- soil type(s) and its condition
- existing use of the land
- description of intended farming practices including stocking rates, and markets
- sustainable land management including crop rotation, protection of vegetation and waterway
- If no agricultural activity is to be undertaken, a land management plan to include information on how the land is to be managed to achieve sustainable outcomes (i.e. the protection and enhancement of the land’s ecology)
- If native vegetation is to be removed and where applicable, a report prepared by a qualified professional that addresses the Department of Sustainability and Environment’s (DSE’s) policy entitled Victoria’s Native Vegetation Management – A Framework for Action (Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 2002) must be submitted
- A response on how the proposal responds to the threat of bushfire
- A response on how the development blends within the landscape (a photo montage may be required for larger dwellings/sites with significant landscape value)
- Any other information specified in the planning controls applying to the land
- A current copy of title and any registered restrictions, covenants, s.173 Agreements
- A completed application form and the prescribed application fee
Replacement Dwellings
In addition to the information above, applications submitted for replacement dwellings where the existing dwelling is to be demolished or decommissioned should include the following information:
- A site plan to clearly show the location of the existing dwelling on the land, existing waste-water treatment infrastructure, existing crossovers and driveways etc.
- The time frame for the demolition of the existing dwelling or if the building is to be retained, the intended use of the building and a time frame for its decommission as a self contained dwelling
- The proposed modified floor plan of the existing dwelling if the building is to be retained
Dwelling Additions
In addition to the information specified above under “Application requirements for dwellings/dwelling additions in the Green Wedge Zone”, applications submitted for dwelling additions should include the following information:
- Fully dimensioned elevation plans of the proposed dwelling additions showing how it relates to the existing elevations of the dwelling and all proposed building materials and colours
- Floor plans of the existing dwelling
- Fully dimensioned floor plans of the proposed dwelling additions showing how it relates to the existing floor plan of the dwelling
Interim policy for "Rural dwellings including bed & breakfast accommodation"
At a Council’s meeting on the 14 June 2011, Council resolved to apply an interim policy relating to Rural Dwellings (including caretaker’s dwelling and bed and breakfast accommodation) in the Green Wedge Zone and the Special Use Zone.
The document includes the policy basis, the policy and the strategic planning objectives that are to be achieved for Dwellings in the Green Wedge and Special Use zones.
The interim policy, the accompanying report presented to Council, and an example of the standard conditions that may be included on permits for dwellings in the Green Wedge Zone can be accessed at:
Any application relating to dwellings in the Green Wedge Zone or Special Use Zone should have appropriate regard to the policy.
General Information
In order for an application to be considered more favourably, there are a number of matters you should consider when designing a dwelling/dwelling additions, including the following:
- Is the development sited in the best location in order to allow it to blend within the landscape?
- Do your dwelling/dwelling additions respond to the slope of the land by avoiding the siting of the highest part of the dwelling on the highest part of the site?
- Do the external finishes of the dwelling/dwelling additions consist of muted/non-reflective earthy tones to assist with blending the development within the landscape?
- Can all associated infrastructure (e.g. effluent disposal systems, service utilities etc.) be provided on-site and away from significant land features (e.g. vegetation, creeks and waterways)?
- Is the dwelling/dwelling additions sited in the most appropriate location to avoid fragmentation of agricultural land?
- Are dwellings and outbuildings sited in close proximity to limit their impact on the landscape?
- Does your proposal protect and enhance the environmental value of the area?
- Does your proposal have appropriate regard to bushfire threat?
- Is your dwelling/dwelling addition appropriately setback from uses on adjoining properties with adverse amenity potential (e.g. broilers, land used for intensive cropping etc
In addition, people seeking to use Green Wedge Zone land for residential purposes should be aware that their amenity may be affected by emissions (e.g. noise, odour, dust etc) resulting from the legitimate use of rural land.