Bin lid colours explained


In response to the State Government’s Recycling Victoria Policy we have commenced the transition to new bin lid colours.

These bin lid colours are being standardised across the state.

We will be changing from blue recycling bin lids and dark green rubbish bin lids to:

Yellow = Recycling Bin
Red = Rubbish Bin

There will be no change to the food and garden organics bin.

Green = Food and Garden Organics

The transition to the new bin lid colours will be gradual, with damaged or new bins being issued in the new colours to begin with. This means that while we transition to the new standardised bin lids your bin lid colour may be different to your neighbours.

These changes will not affect bin collections, how you dispose of your items, or the service in any way.

Visit the State Government’s Transforming Recycling in Victoria website page for more information on the state’s recycling transition.