Bin Ownership

Your responsibilities

As a resident of the Mornington Peninsula Shire, with bins at your property, there are a few things to remember when placing your bins out for collection:

  • Your bins should only be placed out the night before your scheduled collection.
  • Bins should be returned to your property no longer than 24 hours after being emptied.
  • Infringements may be applied if bins are left out beyond the end of the day after the collection day.

For more information, refer to the local laws, Part 6 – Waste collection.

In order to ensure that your bins will be accepted for collection, they should:

  • be kept in a clean and sanitary order
  • not be overflowing and should be closed at all times (The Shire has free bin latches available for this purpose)
  • be placed on the nature strip or footpath adjacent to the kerb, clear of trees or any other overhead obstacles or obstacles in proximity to the bins, such as signs/fences/bollards/power poles
  • be placed side by side with at least 50cm space in between for the truck to access them easily. Smaller bins (80L general rubbish) should not be hidden by larger bins (240L recycling and green waste)
  • be placed with the wheels facing your property
  • not contain any contamination, such as green waste in recycling, hazardous waste in any bin, or recycling and household rubbish in green waste. For more information check out the Waste and Recycling Guide


What do I do if my bin has not been collected?

For missed collections, please contact Customer Service on 1300 850 600.

If collection was refused due to any of the above reasons (refer to bin collection service notice attached to your bin/s), please take steps to rectify the situation and then present your bin(s) for the next scheduled collection. 

If you are unsure or need further information/assistance, call Customer Service on 1300 850 600.

Where can I get a bin latch?

Pick up your bin lid latch at one of our customer service centres (Mornington, Hastings and Rosebud).