Download the fees and charges for the Resource Recovery Centres(PDF, 233KB) and the Hoppers(PDF, 165KB).
Soft Plastics
We are saddened to learn that REDcycle has announced that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022. REDcycle and its partners have advised that they are committed to having the program back up and running as soon as possible.
For the short term please put all soft plastics in your rubbish bin. Please do not put any soft plastics in your home kerbside recycling bin.
This is a timely reminder to refuse soft plastics where possible, visit Our Waste Future for some ideas on how you can reduce plastics that come into your home – avoidance is the first step of our waste hierarchy!
Method: Recycling Bin
Condition: Empty cans only, except fuel (Detox Your Home events) or paint (Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recovery Centres.)
Other: Full or partially full aerosol cans (including spray paint and gas cannisters for camping stoves) can be disposed at mobile Detox Your Home events only
Method: Recycling Bin or click here Return-It Victoria - Return It for more information or to find your nearest Container Deposit Scheme location to return cans and earn a 10c refund for 1 November 2023
Condition: cans should be empty
Method: Recycling Bin
Condition: Clean. Scrunch into a cricket size ball or place smaller quantities into an aluminium soft drink can and scrunch the can to stop it falling out.
Method: Rubbish Bin
Condition: Please bag all animal waste prior to disposal.
Method: Recycle at the Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres.
Condition: all appliances with a battery or plug are now classed as E-waste and must not go into landfill. They can be recycled for free at our Resource Recovery Centres. There are domestic quantity limits for large items like fridges, freezers and air conditioners. No issues with smaller items like toasters, kettles, electric fans and microwaves.
Other: Working appliances can be taken to some Op shops. Some items may not be accepted due to excess stock.
Method: Only at the Rye Resource Recovery Centre Rye Landfill & Resource Recovery Centre - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Condition: Please read the asbestos disposal guidelines. Maximum 1/2 cubic metre per day. Fees and charges apply.
Method: Free at Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recovery Centres.
Condition: Domestic quantities of car, household and mobile phone batteries only.
Other: Small household batteries can be dropped off at select stores, to be collected for recycling. Find your local store at B-cycle or if your local supermarket is an IGA, the collection points are listed at Ecobatt.
Method: Free at Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recovery Centres.
Bikes dropped off at Rye and Tyabb Resource Recovery centres will be collected by Brainwave Bikes for repair, sale and donation to low-income families. All proceeds go to support families and children with brain injuries. For more information click here Brainwave Bikes - Second Hand Bikes for sale Dingley Village Melbourne
Other: Rideable bikes can also be dropped off at the Mornington Recycled Goods Store.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: Biodegradable products such as cups and cutlery are generally made from natural resources. These items CANNOT be recycled, nor can they be placed in the green waste bin.
Industrially compostable products (Australian Standard 4736) will only biodegrade in a commercial composting facility. There are currently limited commercial composting facilities that will accept these products.
Home compostable products (Australian Standard 5810) will biodegrade at home without harming microbes and worms.
Method: Participating pharmacies through Pharmacycle or similar
Condition: Empty. Unwanted medicine bottles can be taken to your local pharmacy.
Other: Check for participating Terracycle collection points or place in your Rubbish bin:
Somers General Store Community Recycling Hub
Chemist Warehouse, Mornington-Tyabb Rd, Mornington
Chemist Warehouse, Shop 2/154 Marine Dr, Safety Beach
Chemist Warehouse, Mornington Central, 78 Barkly St, Mornington
Chemist Warehouse, Shops 3-7 Peninsula Gate Shopping Centre, 284-286 Frankston-Flinders Rd, Baxter
Dromana Community House, Gibson St, Dromana
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Unreadable or damaged books. For larger books, please rip into smaller sections to ensure that it is collected at the Materials Recovery Facility.
Other: Books in good condition can be taken to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Bottles should be scrunched, and the tops should be screwed on to the bottles and put in the recycling bin, loose bottle tops less than 5cm in diameter are not accepted as they are too small and will fall through the machinery at the sorting facility and be sent to landfill.
Method: Rubbish Bin
Other: Supermarket Soft Plastics - Temporary Closure. REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022.
Method: Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs
Other: Find your nearest Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs. Bread tags cannot be recycled in the household recycling bin as they are too small. Recycle your bread tags through Aussie Bread Tags for Wheelchairs who recycle them to fund wheelchairs for disadvantaged people in South Africa.
Bread bag tags can also be placed in your household rubbish bin.
Method: Rubbish Bin
Other: Supermarket Soft Plastics - Temporary Closure. REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022.
Method: Only at the Rye Resource Recovery Centre Rye Landfill & Resource Recovery Centre - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Conditions: Fees and charges apply for car body with tank, tyres and rims. Car bodies with tyres and tank removed are free.
Method: These can now be recycled via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire and now Sorrento Community Centre.
Other: Cassette tapes in usable condition can also be taken to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Flatten cardboard boxes. All types of paper including newspapers, magazines, envelopes, brochures, catalogues, phone books are accepted including liquid paper and Tetra Pak.
Method: Recycling Near You website.
Other: Cartridges 4 Planet Ark provides free recycling of used printer cartridges. Click on the weblink to find your closest drop off outlet.
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: Broken only.
Other: Intact ceramics and china can be donated to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store
Method: These can be recycled via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community Centre
Other: CDs & DVDs in usable condition can also be taken to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store
Method: Only at Tyabb & Rye Resource Recovery Centres. Tips & Hoppers - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Condition: Chemical drums must be clean and empty with NO trace of chemical residue.
Other: Full or partially full drums – see Chemicals
Method: Sustainability Victoria’s Detox Your Home Program
Other: Sustainability Victoria’s Detox Your Home program provides is a safe, free and easy-to-use way residents can dispose of common household chemicals without harming their health or the environment. These mobile collections are open to all residents.
The Detox Your Home mobile collection service is held at 31 locations across Victoria each year. Find out when the next Detox Your Home Event is on the Peninsula.
Visit Sustainability Victoria’s website for more information about the next scheduled collection and the complete list of the accepted products.
Click on the safe handling of chemicals web page to learn how you can safely store your chemicals.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Condition: Natural Christmas Trees can be disposed at the Resource Recovery Centres or Flinders Hopper for $7.50 from 2 -31 January. Usual green waste charges apply outside of this period.
Other: Plastic Christmas trees in good condition can be donated to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store. Some items may not be accepted due to excess stock.
Damaged plastic Christmas trees can also be placed in your household rubbish bin.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Condition: Fees and charges apply. Reusable dirt, concrete, gravel, topsoil, sand and rubble etc.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Empty and clean. For the lids, check the back of the bottle for advice. if it can be recycled, return to bottle and place in recycling bin. If no symbol or unsure, place separately in rubbish bin
Method: Clothes, shoes, textiles and handbags can be placed in our Mobile Recycling Trailer. Click here to find out its current location. Mobile recycling trailer - Mornington Peninsula Shire or book it for your school/community group/hub Pop-up recycling trailer
Condition: Clean, dry clothes, shoes, hats, accessories and handbags.
Other: Good quality clothes, shoes, handbags and textiles can also be donated to local Op Shops or Mornington Recycled Goods Store. Ensure your donation counts by only giving saleable goods.
For other clothing donation programs, visit Recycling Near You.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: Coffee cups are lined with plastic (either petrol or natural based) and cannot be recycled through the household and public recycling bins.
Some retailers are recycling coffee cups. This service can be limited to specific brands. Find your closet collection point at Recycling Near You.
Consider bringing your own reusable coffee cup. Search for your local café that discounts BYO cups at Responsible cafes.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Separated from the cup.
Other: Bioplastics (plastics made from natural materials) cannot be recycled and need to be disposed in the household rubbish bin or through a commercial composting service.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Other: classed as general waste, fees apply
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: Small quantities of cooking oil only. Pour the oil in a container prior to disposing.
Other: Larger quantities of cooking oil can be disposed at the mobile Detox Your Home Event. Find the full list of accepted materials and date and location of the next event at Detox Your Home.
Method: Free at Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Note: laptop batteries cannot be placed in domestic battery recycling. They can only be disposed of through the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.
Condition: To protect your privacy, it is important to delete any sensitive information from your devices. Every computer is different, so we encourage you to check with the item’s manufacturer to ensure you know the best way to securely remove all data. Residents are responsible for removing all private data from your device before dropping it off for recycling.
Other: Drop off centres are also located at select retailers. Find your closet store at the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.
Method: Recycling available via Dan Murphy Stores across the Peninsula
Other: Reuse your corks in your next craft project.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Empty.
Method: Recycling Bin or click here Return-It Victoria - Return It for more information about eligible containers and to find your nearest Container Deposit Scheme location to return cans and earn a 10c refund.
Condition: Please empty and check carton for 10c refund. Remove any straws and place in rubbish bin.
Method: All electrical can be recycled for free at Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres or small items can be recycled via our Resource Recovery Stations in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community centre.
Condition: Domestic quantity limits apply for air conditioners, fridges and freezers. Disposal of computers, computer accessories like keyboards moderns and mouses, TVs, printers and small electrical items such as kettles, toasters, electric fans and microwaves do not.
Other: As of 1 July 2019, all e-waste has been banned from landfill. Electronic Waste (e-waste) is anything with a plug, cord and/or battery. E-waste contains valuable resources we can reuse. E-waste also contains harmful chemicals and toxins.
Free disposal of mobile phones at major phone retailers, Officeworks stores or through Melbourne Zoo's Mobile Muster They're Calling On You | Mobile Muster
Find out more about what happens to your e-waste and how to protect your data at the E-waste ban or Take your e-waste to a better place
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Removing the envelope window is ideal, but not necessary. The plastic will be filtered out after the envelope is shredded.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres.
Condition: free to residents for domestic quantities up to a maximum of 5
Method: Rubbish bin or Green Waste bin from 19 July 2021. For more information and to order a green bin Food and Green Waste - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Other: Compost your food waste at home. The shire offers Compost rebates to help residents to obtain discounted compost bins, worm farms or bokashi systems to encourage composting and reduce food waste going to landfill. Households, child centres and schools are eligible for the rebates.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres.
Condition: Free disposal of domestic fridges, freezers and air conditioners with a limit of 2 per resident. Fees and charges apply for Non-residents and Commercial customers.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres or Booked Hard Waste collection
Condition: Fees and charges apply, or waste vouchers can also be redeemed
Other: Good condition furniture can be donated to charity. Brotherhood of St Laurence and St Vincent de Paul Society may collect from your home, book early to arrange a collection.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Accepted: domestic LPG gas bottles no greater than 9kg. Disposal is free. Fire extinguishers, car gas tanks, domestic household gas tanks.
Not accepted: butane gas cartridges/canisters (used for camping stoves), oxygen gas tanks, welding gas tanks. These can only be disposed of at Detox Your Home events.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Empty and unbroken only, bottle tops should be screwed on to the bottles and put in the recycling bin, loose bottle tops are too small and will fall through the machinery at the sorting facility and be sent to landfill.
Other: Broken glass bottles and jars should be wrapped in paper and placed in your rubbish bin
Method: Recycling bin or click here Return-It Victoria - Return It for more information or to find your nearest Container Deposit Scheme location to return cans and earn a 10c refund for 1 November 2023
Condition: Empty and unbroken only, bottle tops should be screwed on to the bottles and put in the recycling bin, loose bottle tops are too small and will fall through the machinery at the sorting facility and be sent to landfill.
Other: Broken glass bottles should be wrapped in paper and placed in your rubbish bin.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: Glass items such as windows, mirrors, cups and Pyrex do not melt at the same temperature as bottles and jars.
Method: Lions Recycle for Sight Australia
Other: Your local optometrist may also accept donated glasses.
Method: Green waste bin. For more information and to order a green bin Food and Green Waste - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Condition: Only green waste such as lawn clippings, branches, garden pruning's, leaves and timber that is no greater than 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length.
Please do not contaminate your green waste with plastic, metal or concrete.
Method: Booked green waste collection
Condition: Large branches should be bundled and tied. Loose garden refuse (leaves, lawn clippings) should be placed in containers (not bags) that can be returned.
Other: To book your green waste collection from your kerbside call 5950 1406
If you would like to order a green waste bin or an additional green waste bin you can order one online or call the Shire on 1300 850 600 or 5950 1000. An annual fee is applicable.
Method: Take to a scrap metal merchant or wreckers yard
Other: items such as ride on mowers
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: Broken or damaged only.
Other: Items in good condition can be taken to your local Op Shop or Mornington Recycled Goods Store.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Please remove the plastic sleeve on the envelopes where possible prior to disposal.
Other: If you do not wish to receive junk mail, you can place a No Advertising Material sticker on your letter box. For your free sticker, send an envelope containing a stamped self-addressed envelope to the Distribution Standards Board
Method: Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recovery Centres. or via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community Centre.
Condition: Unbroken only. Broken globes and tubes must be wrapped in paper and disposed of in the rubbish bin.
Method: via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community Centre.
Condition: Unbroken only. Broken globes and tubes must be wrapped in paper and disposed of in the rubbish bin.
Method: Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Condition: Fees and charges apply
Other: Smaller logs, less than 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length, can be placed into the green waste bins.
Method: Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recovery Centres.
Conditions: Free disposal of up to 4 mattresses for residents. Fees and charges apply for Non-residents and Commercial customers. Please provide proof of residency.
Method: Returned to your local pharmacy
Other: Unwanted or expired human and pet medicines (prescriptions, over-the-counter pills, gels, topical creams, herbal or complementary supplements and liquids) can be returned to your local pharmacy. Packaging should be disposed of separately. Medicines should never go into kerbside waste bins, down the sink or toilet.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Bottle tops should be screwed on to the bottles and put in the recycling bin, loose bottle tops are too small and will fall through the machinery at the sorting facility and be sent to landfill.
Method: Free at Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres. or via our Resource Recovery Stations in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Other: Phones can also be dropped off at participating Mobile Muster retailers, at Zoos Victoria collection points and Officeworks
Method: Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres.
Condition: Up to 20 litres per day may be disposed of free of charge.
Method: Needle and Syringe Program Locations
Other: The Victorian Government’s Needle and Syringe Program safely collects needles from a range of service providers. To find your nearest location, visit Needle and Syringe Program Locations.
Netting bag (fruits and vegetables)
Method: There is currently no REDcycle soft plastic recycling. For the short term please put all soft plastics in your rubbish bin. Please do not put any soft plastics in your home kerbside recycling bin.
Method: Free at Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recycle Centres
Condition: Up to 100 litres of household and trade. Paint must be carried in secure containers no larger than 20 litres.
Other: please note that thinners and solvents to remove paint are not accepted unless at one of our Detox Your Home events (see page for details)
Method: Free at Tyabb, Rye and Mornington Resource and Recovery Centres
Conditions: Empty paint tins only. Full or partially full see - Paint
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Material handles (if present) to be removed and disposed of in the rubbish bin
Method: Rubbish bin – Green bin from 19 July 2021. For more information and to order a green bin Food and Green Waste - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Other: Shredded paper fall through sorting rolls and hence, cannot be collected at the Materials Recovery Facility. You can also compost or donate shredded paper to the pet store.
Method: Rubbish bin – Green bin from 19 July 2021. For more information and to order a green bin Food and Green Waste - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Other: Paper towels are produced through methods that improve its absorbability; chemicals may be added to hold the fibres in paper when wet. If you have a home compost system, some items can also be composted.
Method: accepted at Officeworks for recycling
Condition: used
Other: if still useable then consider donating to a local community centre/playgroup/school. Please ask before donating.
Method: accepted at all Petstock branches and participating vets, including Peninsula Vet Care (Rye, Rosebud, Dromana, Mornington and Mt Eliza)
Condition: clean and dry packaging from dry food bags and wet pouches
Other: Ask your local vet if they accept them. Part of the Royal Canin and Terracycle partnership
Method: Participating pharmacies through Pharmacycle
Condition: Empty. Unwanted medicine can be taken to your local pharmacy.
Other: Check for participating Terracycle collection points or place in your Rubbish bin:
Somers General Store Community recycling Hub
Chemist Warehouse, Mornington-Tyabb Rd, Mornington
Chemist Warehouse, Shop 2/154 Marine Dr, Safety Beach
Chemist Warehouse, Mornington Central, 78 Barkly St, Mornington
Chemist Warehouse, Shops 3-7 Peninsula Gate Shopping Centre, 284-286 Frankston-Flinders Rd, Baxter
Dromana Community House, Gibson St, Dromana
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Only the clean or slightly greased parts of the box. If the bottom of the box contains a large amount of grease, rip off the top of the box and place in the recycling bin. The bottom of the box with grease can then be disposed in the rubbish bin.
Method: Recycling bin Types 1,2 and 5 ONLY (Check the number inside the triangle)
Condition: Only plastics that cannot be easily scrunched into a ball and retain their shape. Examples of hard plastics include milk bottles, soft drink bottles, cordial bottles, detergent bottles, ice cream containers, margarine containers, takeaway containers and yogurt containers.
Please note that the Plastic Identification Code (number inside the triangle) does not indicate that a product can be recycled through your household recycling bin. it identifies the type of plastic only
- Rinse out your containers before recycling.
- Bottle tops should be screwed back on to the bottles and put in the recycling bin.
- Loose bottle tops and small pieces of plastic should be placed inside a larger container with the lid on to prevent them falling through the machinery.
- Separate larger plastic lids, for example container lids, and place in recycling bin.
Method: Rubbish bin as there is currently no soft plastic recycling through REDcycle.
Condition: Plastics that can easily scrunch into a ball. Examples of soft plastics include plastic bags, packaging, bubble wrap, cling wrap and old green bags.
Note that the Plastic Identification Code (number inside the recycling symbol) does not indicate if an item can be recycled and must not be used.
Other: Supermarket Soft Plastics - Temporary Closure. REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022.
Method: Recycling bin or click here Return-It Victoria - Return It for more information or to find your nearest Container Deposit Scheme location to return cans and earn a 10c refund for 1 November 2023
Condition: drink bottles should be empty with lids placed back on them
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Scrunch the bottles and replace lids so they can also be recycled. loose bottle tops are too small and will fall through the machinery at the sorting facility and be sent to landfill.
Method: Rubbish Bin
Other: Supermarket Soft Plastics - Temporary Closure. REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: rinse off food
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: All plastic toys with an electrical component (battery, cord or plug) must be taken to the Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres.
Other: Plastic toys in good condition can be taken to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store. or recycled through Big W stores Toys for Joy | BIG W
Method: We are trialling recovering polystyrene and styrofoam at Mornington Resource Recovery Centre only. Please note that existing gatehouse fees will apply (see below to download or latest fees) for dropping off this material at the Resource Recovery Centre. Mornington Resource Recovery Centre
Condition: Clean expanded polystyrene (EPS) only such as:
- Packaging for small & large appliances (e.g., big screen TV’s, dishwashers & oven packaging)
- White polystyrene fruit & vegetable boxes (clean boxes only - all organic material & labels must be removed prior to recycling)
- Please note that collection is limited to UP TO one car boot load of EPS at a time for household drop-offs - domestic quantities/ material only.
What can’t be recycled:
- Coloured polystyrene
- Food packaging
- Peanut-shaped loose foam packaging
- Bean bag beans
- Meat trays
- Tape or strapping
- Plastic or foam wrapping
- Any EPS products that feature paper/plastic labels
- Polystyrene covered in dirt, concrete, or cement, or any commercial/ construction quantities
Other: For other drop off location, visit Expanded Polystyrene Australia . Fees may apply.
Method: Recycling bin
Conditions: metal base only
Method: Tyabb, Mornington and Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Other: classed as general waste, fees apply
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: The swab, buffer tube and cassette (the part that shows your result) must all go in the rubbish bin in a sealed bag. Why? Because it contains biological material.
Cardboard and paper packaging can be disposed of in the recycling bin.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Remove lids where possible and place in rubbish bin
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: Remove batteries prior to disposal. Commercial or industrial smoke detectors containing Americium-241 in excess of 40kBq of activity or containing any other substance are required to be returned to the seller for disposal.
Method: Free at Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres
Condition: Domestic quantities only.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Empty and rinsed.
Method: Recycling bin
Condition: Empty and rinsed.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: Compost if tea bags are plastic free
Method: Compost or Green bin from 19 July 2021
Method: Free at Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centre
Other: Drop off centres are also located at select retailers. Find your closet store at the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme.
Method: Clothes, shoes, textiles and handbags can be placed in our Mobile Recycling Trailer. Click here to find out its current location. Mobile recycling trailer - Mornington Peninsula Shire or book it for your school/community group/hub Pop-up recycling trailer
Condition: Clean, dry clothes, shoes, hats, accessories and handbags.
Other: Good quality clothes, shoes, handbags and textiles can also be donated to local Op Shops or Mornington Recycled Goods Store. Ensure your donation counts by only giving saleable goods.
For other clothing donation programs, visit Recycling Near You.
Method: Green bin. For more information and to order a green bin Food and Green Waste - Mornington Peninsula Shire
Condition: Untreated and no greater than 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm in length
Other: larger items can be taken to the Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres. Fees and charges apply.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: click here for public drop off locations
Method: Rye, Mornington and Tyabb Resource Recovery Centres.
Conditions: Free disposal of up to 4 tyres per day for residents. Fees and charges apply for Non-residents and Commercial customers.
Method: Rubbish bin
Other: Waxed paper and cardboard often have a glossy appearance are coated with a thin layer of wax.
Method: Rye, Tyabb and Mornington Resource Recycle Centres
Condition: Free disposal of domestic fridges, freezers and air conditioners with a limit of 2 per resident. Fees and charges apply for Non-residents and Commercial customers.
Method: Rubbish bin
Condition: Wrap in paper
Other: Larger windows can also be taken to the Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres. Fees and charges apply.
Method: vape disposal bins are now available at the Tyabb, Mornington or Rye Resource Recovery Centres. Please ask the gatehouse staff for location at each site.
Condition: these are NOT to be placed in any kerbside rubbish bin as they pose a significant fire hazard. If the battery can be removed, these can be recycled through the B-cycle scheme.
Other: reusable vapes or e-cigarettes obtained on prescription can be returned to your pharmacy.
Method: These can now be recycled via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community Centre.
Other: Video tapes in working condition can also be taken to your local Op shop or the Mornington Recycled Goods Store.
Method: These can now be recycled via our Resource Recovery Stations which are located in each of our four main libraries Libraries - Mornington Peninsula Shire as well as Sorrento Community centre.
Condition: loose, not in an envelope
Other: Free at the Mornington Resource Recovery ONLY. The x-ray bin is located in the Detox Your Home section, left entrance before the gatehouse. Some pathologies may also accept old x-ray films. Remove all personal information before disposal.
Method: Rubbish Bin
Other: Supermarket Soft Plastics - Temporary Closure. REDcycle regrets to announce that it will temporarily pause its soft plastics collection program from 9 November 2022.