Towards a Net Zero Peninsula

We are delivering a range of programs and initiatives to support our Climate Emergency Response and the community’s transition to zero net emissions as well as decarbonising our own operations.

Community Energy

Achieving net zero emissions relies on our whole community, not just the Shire.  We are providing support and resources to community energy groups and working to reduce barriers and enable greater renewable energy uptake on the Peninsula.

Find out how we're supporting community energy

Energy Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

Electricity and gas use is the biggest source of carbon emissions on the Peninsula. We are continuing to assess and deliver energy smart building and infrastructure initiatives within our own operations and using the lessons learned to help our community do the same.

Find out more


Transport emissions account for 31% total emissions on the Peninsula and whilst we have limited influence when it comes to reducing these emissions, we are working on several initiatives to support the transition to net zero emissions, including:

Shire Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure

The Mornington Peninsula Shire continues to expand its electric vehicle charging network in order to support our commitment to transition to a zero-emissions fleet by 2030, most recently through the Victorian Government Charging for Council Fleets Program, which provided $1.5 million in grants to increase Victoria's electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and saw an additional five 7kW charging stations installed at Shire Offices.

Currently 17 electric vehicle charging stations service the organisation's existing EV fleet across five sites, consisting primarily of 7kW and 22kW AC type 2 chargers.

In addition, the Shire is working with private industry and government bodies to identify opportunities to promote uptake of zero-emission vehicles in the community. This includes input into the South East Councils Climate Alliance (SECCA) Electric Vehicle Charging Roadmap, and facilitation of public fast-charging infrastructure such as the recently installed 50kW DC chargers at Sorrento.

Carbon Sequestration

Eventually we will reach a point where we have exhausted opportunities to avoid or reduce emissions and we will rely on capturing carbon in our natural environment (sequestration) or storing it elsewhere to achieve net zero. We are investigating and supporting initiatives that will see greater carbon sequestration through enhancement of our natural environment. Examples of these initiatives include tree planting, blue carbon (mangrove, salt marsh and sea grass) restoration mapping and carbon farming.

Find out more

Waste and Circular Economy

We are continuing to reduce the amount of waste entering landfill through such initiatives as waste diversion and introducing a FOGO service, and have ambitions for zero waste to landfill by 2030.

Find out more

Education, Training and Support

We provide many other programs that upskill our community to tackle emissions reduction themselves as well as provide direct financial support.

Decarbonising Our Operations

We have reduced our emissions by:

  • Installing new, energy efficient LED street lights across the Shire
  • Improving energy efficiency in our buildings by improving lighting, heating and air conditioning
  • Installing rooftop solar panels on Shire buildings
  • Transitioning to a zero emission vehicle fleet
  • Ensuring all of our built assets are sustainability designed
  • Requiring our supply chain to reduce emissions and purchasing carbon neutral produce
  • Improving waste management by diverting more waste from landfill and capturing landfill gas. View the landfill energy production live display dashboard.

Climate Active Certification

We have met the requirements of the Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations and is now certified as a carbon neutral business.

Our Carbon Neutral Policy was adopted by Council in 2016. In this Policy we made a commitment to operate with zero net emissions by 2021 and become certified as carbon neutral.

Since introducing the Policy, our total annual emissions have been reduced by approximately 20,140 tonnes CO2-e (44 per cent).

How did we achieve this?

We manage our greenhouse gas emissions by:

  • Keeping an emissions inventory
  • Limiting our emissions where we can by making new buildings energy efficient, reducing the need to travel and reducing waste
  • Implementing best value actions to reduce emissions
  • Offsetting residual emissions by funding projects that reduce emissions locally, nationally and internationally.

Climate Active Public Disclosure Statements

Download:Climate Active – Public Disclosure Statement 2019-20

Download: Climate Active – Public Disclosure Statement 2020-21(PDF, 2MB)

Case study

Luke Roberts from Mornington Green stands next to new hot water heat pump.

Download: Small Business Energy Saver Program(PDF, 4MB)