Energy Smart Buildings and Infrastructure

The Shire continues to invest in both innovative and tried-and-true pathways to achieve energy efficiency, cost savings, and decarbonisation in our buildings and infrastructure. 

Solar Rollout

To date we have installed or facilitated approximately 1.6MW of solar capacity on Shire operated and tenanted buildings, with an annual generation potential of 2,090MWh. This is equivalent to 1,372tCO2 avoided, or roughly $250,000 in savings a year!

In addition, since 2017 The Shire has offered Environmental Upgrade Finance (EUF) to eligible businesses to assist with the installation of approximately 1.2MW of solar.


  • 52 systems installed on 48 Shire-operated buildings
  • 31 Tenanted facilities with solar
  • 16 systems at 14 private businesses facilitated through Environmental Upgrade Finance

For a visual representation of our installs to date, check out the interactive map below.
Use the search tool or click on a map symbol to view the upgrade information. 






Tenanted Facility Solar Incentivisation Trial

The Shire is trialling a new and exciting facilitation mechanism to increase solar uptake on our community-operated buildings. For project details, please visit our Tenanted Facility Solar Incentivisation Trial page.

Pending trial outcomes, The Shire will be looking to expand this initiative in 2022-23 by identifying and partnering with additional eligible community tenants

Lighting Upgrades

In addition to the ESD Policy, which ensures all new or replacement light fittings are energy efficient LED technology where fit for purpose products exist. The Shire has managed several standalone lighting upgrade projects. These result in significant building and infrastructure decarbonisation as well as savings to rate payers.


  • Stage 1 Streetlight Upgrade Project: Minor Roads

    This project saw the upgrade of over 10,000 mercury vapour streetlights to energy efficient LED equivalents on the municipal road network, reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions by over 3,000 tonnes and reducing annual operating costs by over $1 million.

  • Stage 2 Streetlight Upgrade Project: Major Roads

    Currently in design stage, this project would see the upgrade of over 4,000 streetlights on major municipal roads and is estimated to result in up to 22,000-26,000t avoided CO2-e over project lifetime, representing one of the most significant pathways to reducing The Shire’s carbon footprint. Delivery is expected to commence in 2023.

  • Bulk LED Lighting Upgrade Project: Shire Buildings

    Completed in 2021, this project saw the upgrade of 1,821 fittings at 102 sites including halls, community centres, amenity blocks, and public lighting areas. This resulted in 280t of avoided CO2 e per annum.

  • Buildings Contract LED Upgrade Program

Due to conclude this year, this program has seen the replacement of approximately 3,000 fittings with LED equivalents at 11 major Shire buildings.

Shire Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure

The Shire continues to expand its electric vehicle charging network in order to support our commitment to transition to a zero-emissions fleet by 2030. Currently 12 electric vehicle charging stations service the Shire’s existing EV fleet at five sites, consisting of a combination of 7kW and 22kW AC chargers.

In addition, the Shire is working with private industry and government bodies to identify opportunities to promote uptake of zero-emission vehicles in the community. This includes input into the South East Councils Climate Alliance (SECCA) Electric Vehicle Charging Roadmap, and facilitation of public fast-charging infrastructure such as the recently installed 50kW DC chargers at Sorrento.

Find out more.

Energy Savvy Trials

The shire continues to explore new ways to achieve decarbonisation of our buildings and infrastructure. Our Heat Pump Hot Water System and Electrification Trials are two initiatives designed to improve understanding of emission reduction and cost saving opportunities.

Electrification Trial

By replacing legacy gas assets at Shire buildings with electric alternatives we are able to facilitate the use of renewable energy, doing away with the harmful emissions associated with gas use and the costs associated with gas supply. This trial will serve to inform Council of the costs and mechanisms required to transition to all-electric supplies across Shire assets.

To date the trial has seen the abolishment of gas supplies at seven sites, facilitated by replacement of space heaters, hot water systems and ovens and cooktops.

Heat Pump Hot Water System Trial

Hot water systems are considered the largest single source of emissions produced by the average Australian home. This trial will serve to inform Council of the costs, benefits, risks and opportunities involved with replacing electric storage hot water heaters with energy efficient heat pump equivalents.

Indicative results show energy savings to be around 300%, which when paired with available government rebates makes this an attractive pathway for cost-effective emission reductions and cost savings. 

SunSpot Solar Mapping Tool

The Shire’s new partnership with not-for-profit Australian Photovoltaic Institute (APVI) means Peninsula residents and businesses can gain access to SunSPOT – a free and secure online tool designed to help you understand the solar potential of your home or building.

Environmentally Sustainable Design

The Shire’s ESD Policy for Council Buildings and Civil works outlines the objectives and requirements for all Council projects, including new, refurbishment and renewal buildings, roads and open spaces. To find out more about the current implementation of this Policy.

Case studies

See the Case Studies below to see what the Shire is doing to decarbonise our buildings and infrastructure.

Melissa Rigby, Coordinator of the Wallaroo Community Centre and members of the arts group

Download: Wallaroo Community Centre Case Study(PDF, 5MB)