School Focused Youth Service
Funded by the Department of Education & Training, this program assists schools and community organisations to work together to support young people aged 10 to 18 years who are attending school, but are vulnerable to or showing signs of disengaging from school, to remain connected to education.
School Focused Youth Service partners with schools and community organisations to provide support for vulnerable or disengaged students aged between 10 – 18 years to remain in school.
The state government aims to have the proportion of students failing to complete Year 12 halved over the next decade. To achieve this students need support from their schools and the community. In consultation with education and welfare agency representatives, early identification of students who were potentially at risk of early school leaving was seen as the most effective way to introduce initiatives to support these young people to stay at school.
Eight pilot schools have participated in implementing a questionnaire which helps identify students who need more support and in what areas. Programs and one-on-one support are offered to these students and teachers can be up-skilled to assist them. Results so far have been very positive in identifying risk.
Local partners involved in the program include Frankston Mornington Peninsula Local Learning & Employment Network (FMPLLEN), DET, agencies and Mornington Peninsula Shire’s Youth Services team.
For more information contact the Shire on 5950 1666.