CN2718 - Independent Advisor - CEO Performance and Remuneration Review
Mornington Peninsula Shire Council is seeking the services of an experienced and suitably qualified, Independent Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer Performance and Remuneration Committee (Committee).
The Independent Advisor is responsible for providing independent professional advice pursuant to section 45(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 2020.
The Independent Advisor works with the Committee for the purpose of fulfilling its statutory responsibilities concerning the Chief Executive Officer employment matters.
These matters relate to the following:
- Annual Performance Reviews of the Chief Executive Officer, including assisting the Committee with recommendations to Council following performance reviews.
- Review of Remuneration and conditions of employment of the Chief Executive Officer.
- The process relating to the appointment of Chief Executive Officer.
The successful consultant will work in close collaboration with the Committee and the Chief Executive Officer on the review and development of Key Performance Objectives which are reported on a quarterly basis.
The successful consultant is not expected to work full time and time required will vary over the term of the engagement subject to the requirements of Council’s committee.
Closing Date & Time: Wednesday 19 April 2023 at 3pm
Visit our e-Procurement system to access tender information and documents to make your tender submission.
Tenders must be submitted electronically via the e-Procurement system and in accordance with the requirements stated in the tender document. Please only provide documentation relevant to the tender submission.