Portsea Front Beach
10 March 2021 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2021_03_10-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Repairs complete on sandbag seawall and planting out in and around the area with native grasses.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.

18 January 2021 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2021_01_18-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
During routine monitoring of the sandbag wall, a split in one of the sandbags was detected. Subject to suitable weather conditions, the contractor is due to start the repair works on 1 February 2021. Works are expected to take between two and four weeks. There will be minor disruption to beach access whilst equipment and new sandbags are delivered. Traffic management will be in place for the safety of our contractors and the community.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.
14 December 2020 Letter from Minister to Portsea CAG
Download: Minister-Reply-Dec2020.pdf(PDF, 211KB)
The Portsea Coastal Advisory Group wrote a letter in July 2020 to Minister Lily D'Ambrosio regarding erosion at Portsea Front Beach. The letter detailed ongoing erosion along with past and current attempts to mitigate it. The letter also sought a response to previously stated strategic options to stabilise and restore the beach. The Minister's reply can be found above.

17 November 2020 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2020_11_17-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
In early September over 1000 native grasses were planted behind the repaired sandbag seawall. This vegetation plays an important role in stabilising the dune system and supports the sandbag wall in protecting the foreshore. During regular monitoring of the seawall it was discovered a sandbag had torn open and slumped. Repair works on this damaged sandbag will occur before Christmas.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.

17 June 2020 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2020_06_17-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 207KB)
Completion of the repair work is expected to be completed by early July. The majority of the bund rock will be removed with a small portion left to protect the base of the sandbag seawall.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.
23 April 2020 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2020_04_23-Portsea-stakeholder-update-final.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Works are continuing with the sandbag seawall with 25% of the project done. Geotechnical investigations to the east of the sandbag wall are underway and expected to be completed by the end of April.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.

27 March 2020 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2020_03_27-Portsea-stakeholder-update-final.pdf(PDF, 321KB)
Works are continuing to the sand bag seawall, working from the eastern end progressively towards the pier. Beach access is via steps opposite Norfolk Drive. Erosion to the beach and cliff east of the works has been identified and is under investigation.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.

20 January 2020 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2020_01_20-Portsea-stakeholder-update-comms-002.pdf(PDF, 278KB)
Works are to recommence in early February. For safety reasons, access to the Portsea beach via the scaffold stairs will be shut. Works are planned to upgrade an existing path that accesses the Portsea beach opposite Norfolk Drive, providing safe access to beach goers.
For further information please call DELWP on 131 186.
16 December 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2019_12_16-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 572KB)
Works have been put on hold over the busy summer holiday period, planned to start back up in early February. Access to the eastern beach is still available via the scaffolding stairs.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.

27 November 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: 2019_11_27-Portsea-stakeholder-update.pdf(PDF, 331KB)
Almost half of the sandbags have now been filled. Access to the pier and the beach is being maintained. A temporary alternative beach access point will soon be required once the scaffolding stairs are closed for the duration of the project.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.

11 November 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: Portsea Front Beach Stakeholder Update - November 2019.pdf(PDF, 429KB)
DELWP works on the sandbag seawall are in process. The contractor has filled a portion of the new sandbags.
Weather conditions over the past week have affected the roll out of the protective rock bund that will aid the team carrying out repairs to the sandbag wall.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.

18 October 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: Portsea Front Beach Stakeholder Update - October 2019(PDF, 291KB)
DELWP has started on major repairs to the sandbag seawall at Portsea Front Beach.
This first stage involves bringing in and constructing a temporary rock bund seaward of the existing Portsea sandbag seawall, then filling this area with sand to create a working platform.
In order to minimise any inconvenience during the peak Christmas and January periods, works will take place Monday to Saturday each week and are expected to take three to four months.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.
4 October 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: Portsea Front Beach Stakeholder Update - October 2019(PDF, 126KB)
DELWP has started on major repairs to the sandbag seawall at Portsea Front Beach.
Pedestrian access to the pier will be maintained during the works. Beach access will remain open until physical works on the seawall require closure.
In order to minimise any inconvenience during the peak Christmas and January periods, works will take place Monday to Saturday each week and are expected to take three to four months.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.

June 2019 DELWP Stakeholder Update
Download: Portsea Front Beach Stakeholder Update - June 2019(PDF, 281KB)
DELWP and Mornington Peninsula Shire Council have partnered together to investigate potential long-term options to reduce wave energy and erosion at Portsea Front Beach.
This work will compliment previous investigations into coastal management options at Portsea Front Beach by DELWP. This scoping work is expected to be finished in about two months.
For further information call DELWP on 131 186.