Beleura Cliff Path

November 2024

Beleura Cliff Path Update – Path to Lookout

After listening to your feedback, we are pleased to announce that we will be reopening the top section of the path to the lookout. We completed a risk assessment of the current condition of this section which confirmed it can be safely accessed. The path beyond the lookout will remain closed as it is still unsafe for people to use.

We will be updating nearby residents on this progress and are engaging a contractor to install new fencing and signage.

Thank you for your ongoing patience as we work to reopen this section of the path, which is expected to be complete by early December.

We’ve also been working closely with the local community group to advocate for funding support from the Minister to repair and reopen the remainder of the path and are currently awaiting a response to recent correspondence.

We understand how important the path is to the community and remain committed to caring for your safety while we do what we can to ensure this section can be enjoyed again.


In October 2022, landslips resulted in the full closure of Beleura Cliff Path. The path is badly damaged in many sections and not safe for recreational use.

We know many of our residents miss the path. Volunteers from the Beleura Cliff Path Friends Group have cared for the area for many years, weeding and planting along the path. Geo-technical reports from engineers and consultants have confirmed the land is not safe, and that is why we can’t reopen the path or allow volunteers access to other areas near the landslips. The safety of our community is our highest priority.

Due to the complex nature of the project with different land ownership, access difficulties and contractor availability, unfortunately we expect this to be a long-term process and the path will not open in the near future.

For your own safety we ask that you do not enter the restricted area.  

Timeline of events

August 2024

In April, Council voted to direct funding ($10,000) to an advocacy campaign that highlights the community support for fixing Beleura Cliff path. This decision recognises the complexity of the situation, and that it is beyond the Council’s capacity to proceed further without assistance from State government.

Other actions included in the Council decision are community consultation on preferred remedial options, continued Friends Group support, communication with affected property owners regarding path reopening, education around responsible water use and letters to responsible Ministers.

Download: Council Decision Beleura Cliff Path - 29 April 2024(PDF, 198KB)

Full agendas and reports for all meetings can be found at Council/Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes.

In response to Council’s decision the following actions are underway:

  • Continuing to support the Friends group with their monthly activities to revegetate and enhance the biodiversity of the area
  • Working with South-East Water to improve water awareness amongst local residents
  • Continuing to monitor the path and fencing to ensure the public is kept safe
  • Working with key local representatives to have a consistent and unified voice to Local Members and Ministers (including correspondence advocating for financial support)
  • Seeking a peer review of the Landslide Risk Assessment and Options Report that considers if there are alternative remedial options
  • Working to undertake 4 weeks of community consultation later this year

We understand how important the 100+ year path is to many in our community and we continue to work through the wide range of issues necessary to be considered to achieve reopening of the path. At this time the entire path remains closed, including the section to the lookout.

April 2024

Council considered the Landslide Risk Assessment and Options Report and recommendations at its 16 April meeting. That meeting was not concluded and will reconvene on 29 April, after which the final meeting minutes will be available.

This page will be updated with the details of Council’s decision as soon as the minutes are available.

Executive summary of Council report

The Landslide Risk Assessment and Options Report for Beleura Cliff Path has been completed by Stantec. The comprehensive report provides recommendations to mitigate risk and options for re-opening the path (to view, see Reports on the righthand side of this page).

The high-level costings of $10 million for path construction, detailed design ($500,000) and re-routing of the upper section of path (uncosted) put the next stages to reopen the path beyond the capacity of Council to deliver alone. Final approvals sit with the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) and any construction will need State Government funding support.

A strong advocacy campaign is recommended to seek funding to fix and reopen this historical path that is much loved by many in our region and beyond. $10,000 of the current approved budget ($100,000 2023-24 budget) is suggested to be allocated for such a campaign.

The full report and Council meeting information is available: Council/Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes

January 2024

There is a total of six land slip areas and two of these have significantly destroyed sections of the path. As the land manager, we have an obligation to keep the area safe and for that reason the path is closed, with fencing and warning signs in place.

Since the closure of the path, the fencing put in place has been vandalised repeatedly, with holes cut in the fences and gates and panels thrown over the cliff edge. With installation and ongoing repair costs now totalling over $30,000, we have recently installed surveillance cameras in an effort to deter this illegal behaviour and reduce property damage. The installation and hire of the cameras is less than 5% of the cost of fencing to date.

The recommendations of the Landslip Risk Assessment report are being considered and an update will be prepared for Council in April.

Recent actions include:

  • Crack sealing of intact areas of the path has been completed
  • Drainage inspections and required works programmed
  • Ongoing discussions with neighbours to support responsible water management on private property
  • Shire supported Friends Group Working Bees, with first of the year on 1 February
  • Fence repairs and reinforcement
  • Surveillance cameras installed to monitor and deter vandalism

December 2023

A meeting with local residents and community was hosted at the Shire offices on 29 November. The Landslide Risk Assessment report prepared by Stantec was presented to the group.

The report covers the following issues:

  •  A summary of the findings of the desktop study carried out prior to the site inspection, including historical reports and anecdotal information provided by local residents and the Friends of Beleura Cliff Path community group;
  • The findings of the LiDAR survey of the site;
  • Observations made during the detailed site investigation;
  • The detailed landslide risk assessment considering risk to life for people using the path and risk to property for the path itself, for all of the different areas identified along the length of the cliff. The risk to walkers on the beach, the risk to the beach itself and the risk to nearby properties are excluded from this scope of works;
  • Consideration of the effectiveness and extend of current risk mitigation measures;
  • Site maps identifying key features, including high risk zones, accessible areas, historic walks, past land movement and possible erosion sources (such as water sources);
  • Options for remediation of the path (concept stage) with consideration of the Marine and Coastal Policy 2020, including advantages  and disadvantages of each option, an assessment of their individual construction feasibility and relative overall costs for the proposed options;
  • Summary of potential issues resulting from a detailed consideration of predicted sea level rise, with an aim to focus on path remediation;
  • Recommendations for future monitoring measures;
  • Recommendations for future maintenance requirements; and
  • Recommendations for ongoing engagement with private property owners regarding erosion management, including water management. 

October 2023

Beleura cliff path was closed after several landslips badly damaged sections of the path, which sits on a mix of private property and Crown land belonging to the State.

It is not safe to use, and residents are urged not to risk using the path in its current state.

To assist the community, we have commissioned a risk assessment to explore options Council and the State Government could consider to safely reopen the path. Any decision on fixing the path ultimately rests with the State government for approvals and funding. Once finalised, the report will be shared with the community (end November).

We are not able to disclose conversations or actions taken with private property owners regarding drainage.

To prevent further damage to remaining sections of the path, crack sealing has been completed in the upper section.

The remaining middle and lower sections will be completed by the end of November (weather depending).

The path remains closed. For your own safety we ask that you do not enter the restricted area.

July 2023

The Shire is continuing to repair and maintain the safety fencing for the protection of the community. The landslips have compromised the slope, the soil continues to move and both slips are unsafe. The public should not attempt to enter into the closed path or cross the landslip areas under any circumstances.

The consultant, Stantec has undertaken their initial site assessment.

The Shire and Stantec met with some residents and community representatives on the 4th July to provide an update on the report and have a discussion to better understand the community concerns and hear their suggested solutions. Discussion was varied and raised a range of solutions.

The report is due to be finalised in September and will contain short and long term solutions.

The Shire has allocated $100,000 to assist with the design process in this year’s budget.

May 2023

LiDAR drone survey of the area was undertaken on the morning 9 May 2023 to obtain latest landform information. Residents were sent a letter to notify them of the survey.

The LiDAR drone survey was undertaken along the full length of the Beleura Cliff Path extending approximately 50m upslope and downslope of the path. The drone was launched from the beach level. Significant portions of the survey will cover privately owned land with the proposed 50m boundary.

          LiDAR drone survey area.

          Beleura LiDAR drone survey area.jpg

The Shire will be undertaking crack sealing of the existing asphalt path. Crack sealing is required to ensure rainwater and overland flows, do not penetrate through the asphalt path into the subsurface material. These works will be undertaken by our maintenance team within the coming weeks.

April 2023

The Friends Group volunteers are pleased to be back planting around the top section of the path with Shire contractors.

Stantec have been engaged by the MPS to undertake geotechnical review of the cliff and to establish proposed design options to rectify the path and to stabilise the area.

March 2023

Numerous site visits and property inspections have been undertaken to investigate drainage and water runoff.

Meeting with Kalimna Drive Resident meeting was held on 22 March 2023, the following was discussed:

  • The group agreed that an open dialogue and good will to work collaboratively is necessary to create positive steps to reopening the path
  • Value of this unique path was highlighted and that this asset for the community (and visitors to the region) is something we all want to see restored and reopened
  • Friends Group access for Shire supported working bees at either end of the path confirmed
  • Acknowledgement that drainage and water flow from adjacent properties is one contributing factor for cliff stability and the cause of the slips
  • Thorough knowledge of drainage networks and appropriate management of drainage key to successfully restoring and reopening the path
  • Shire officers to continue to contact owners and discuss drainage and run off from adjacent properties, this has been ongoing
  • It was acknowledged that the long timeframes are high level estimates and appear frustratingly drawn out due to the challenges posed by the complex nature of the project (different land ownership/access difficulties/contractor availability, etc)
  • An assessment of the whole path and surrounds, including a presentation of options will be undertaken in coming months (this process will include consultation with property owners and Friends Group representative)
  • Any advocacy and relationships at a State level would be welcomed as Council cannot fund these works alone and will require additional funding and approval support from State 

February 2023

Residents adjacent to the path received a letter explaining their responsibilities and the potential impact excessive water use and runoff could have on the stability of the cliff.

New signage and fencing installed to facilitate restricted access for Friends Group working bees. 28 February 2023 - Meeting with Friends Group to identify safe working areas and recommence working bees in restricted access areas with extra support from the Shire.

Fencing regularly upgraded and improved in response to ongoing vandalism. This ensures that the community is aware that the path is closed for everyone’s safety.

January 2023

Updated risk assessment undertaken by Stantec to determine if any areas of the path could be reopened or accessed in a restricted manner.

Download: Technical Memorandum Report - 9 March 2023(PDF, 2MB)
Download: Technical Memorandum Report - 24 January 2023(PDF, 1MB)

19 September 2022

Section of path closed.

28 September 2022

Site meeting with representatives from the Friends of Beleura Cliff, Mornington Coastal Advisory Group, Briars Ward Councillors, consulting engineer, Planning and Infrastructure Director and Shire officers to discuss the temporary closure and appropriate next steps.

7 and 13 October 2022

There is a total of six land slip areas and two of these have completely destroyed sections of the path.

  • Full path closure