What is e-Procurement (Tenderlink)?

Submitting a tender

Where specified in the tender documents, it may be necessary to use our e-Procurement system run by Tenderlink, to submit your tender submission.  Please make sure you check tender documents carefully to ensure you submit your tender using the correct method.

How to submit a tender through e-Procurement

  1. Visit our e-Procurement system - https://www.tenderlink.com/mornpen/
  2. Registering with our e-procurement system ensures that you:
    • Are notified of any changes to the tender
    • Have access to the Questions and Answers forum during the advertising period
    • Have the ability to view all open opportunities
  3. Access tender information and documents
  4. Submit your tender - tenders must be submitted electronically via the e-Procurement system and in accordance with the requirements stated in the tender document.  Please only provide documentation relevant to the tender submission.

Need to know more?

Email our Contracts & Procurement team on Procurement@mornpen.vic.gov.au