Gender Equality Commitment
Gender Equality Act
The Gender Equality Act 2020 will improve workplace gender equality in the Victorian Public Sector, Universities and Local Councils. The Act commenced on 31 March 2021.
Our obligations as a Council under the Act:
- Promote gender equality in policies, programs and services that impact the public.
- Undertake a workplace gender audit.
- Develop and implement a Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) informed by the workplace gender audit.
- Complete gender impact assessments.
- Report on progress in relation to workplace gender equality.
Gender Equality Strategy
The Shire's Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2030 provides a prevention framework to guide the work needed to prevent violence against women and their children and increase gender equality.
The Strategy is based on a national framework developed by OurWatch, Change the Story: A shared framework for the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. It identifies drivers of violence and actions to prevent them.
The Strategy emphasises the importance of a whole of community approach through implementing strategies and key actions across six key priority settings where we live, work, learn and play.
Oversight of the Strategy sits with the Shire’s Health and Wellbeing Committee who are responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing the Strategy including annual reports giving updates on progress made under each objective.
Download: Gender-Equality-Strategy-2020-2030.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Download: Gender Equality Strategy - Summary(PDF, 2MB)
Download: Gender Equality Strategy - Accessible(DOCX, 46KB)
Download:Gender Equality Strategy - Year 4 Report(PDF, 653KB)
Download:Gender Equality Strategy - Year 5 Plan(PDF, 541KB)
Workplace Gender Equality Action Plan
Workplace GEAP was developed using the results of our workplace gender audit through the People Matters survey followed by a meaningful workplace consultation.
The GEAP has strategies for achieving workplace gender equality. Every two years The Shire is required to report on the progress of our GEAP and the seven Gender Equality Indicators:
- gender pay equity
- gender composition at all levels of the workforce
- gender composition of governing bodies
- workplace sexual harassment
- recruitment and promotion
- gendered work segregation
- leave and flexibility
Download: Workplace Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-25(PDF, 2MB)
Gender Equality Progress Reporting
This report details our progress on the Strategies and Measures within our Workplace GEAP for the reporting period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023 including:
- Gender Impact Assessments
- GEAP Strategies and Measures
- Workplace Gender Equality Indicators
Download: Gender Equality Progress Report 2023(PDF, 556KB)