Green Wedge Management Plan
The Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge is one of Victoria’s most important assets.
Approximately 70% of the Shire’s land mass is comprised of the Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge which is all land outside the metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary as shown in Figures 1 and 2
Figure 1
Figure 2

Conservation policies for the Mornington Peninsula’s rural area (the Green Wedge) were first introduced by the State government more than 40 years ago. The special role and character of the Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge continues to be highly valued by both the local community and the wider population of Melbourne.
The Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge delivers a range of benefits including:
- An area of outstanding natural beauty, diverse landscapes and cultural heritage.
- Areas of National, State and local conservation significance and habitat value.
- Great opportunities for informal and outdoor recreation – bushwalking, riding trails and mountain biking – with a range of State and local parks.
- A high-value agricultural area based on versatile soils, mild climate and good water supply.
- Opportunities for tourism and leisure-based businesses that provide significant recreational and economic benefits to both the local community and visitors.
- Several small settlements and villages that are home to more than 8,500 people.
Having regard to this range of benefits and the future growth of Melbourne’s population, the Mornington Peninsula Green Wedge requires careful planning and management to protect its values for the long term.
Following two rounds of community consultation, the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council adopted the Green Wedge Management Plan at its meeting on 17 December 2018. The Plan was updated in response to further submissions in April 2019.