Balnarring Township Structure Plan

The Balnarring Township Structure Plan (the Plan) was adopted by Council on 19  August 2019.  A key challenge for the Shire is the need to balance the demands for urban growth and the preservation of the natural landscape and rural activity on the Peninsula.  The Shire has already completed separate structure plans for the townships of Mornington, Rosebud, Hastings, Baxter and Somerville.

The role of the structure plan is to identify current and emerging issues and opportunities that relate to Balnarring township. It will set a structure that will provide for the form of development and traffic, transport and pedestrian connectivity and safety, among other things, that are appropriate to the vision for the township.

A structure plan determines what is working well in an area and how this can be enhanced, as well as how the area can grow and change in the future. It provides clear strategies for how this can be achieved. 

At its meeting of 15 July 2024, Council noted the progress report relating to the Balnarring Township Structure Plan.