State of Biodiversity Report

Information on the peninsula’s biodiversity values – their extent, condition and threats - has been brought together in the Shire's State of Biodiversity Report. This comprehensive report was prepared to assist in the development of our Biodiversity Conservation Plan. Drawing on data from scientific, government and community sources, the report is essential reading for anyone interested in the Peninsula’s natural environment.

In the State of Biodiversity report, you’ll find information on our:

  • 700 species of indigenous plants (6% of which are threatened);
  • 400 species native animals (20% of which are threatened);
  • 22,000 ha (or 30%) of remnant native vegetation;
  • 65 vegetation types (including 5 threatened vegetation communities);
  • significant wetland habitats, including the internationally significant Western Port Ramsar site, and Tootgarook Swamp;
  • 18 creek catchments with 440 km's of waterways; and
  • Major threats including land clearance, environmental weeds, and pest animals.