Fire Service Property Levy

The Fire Service Property Levy (FSPL) is a State Government charge that replaces the previous fire levy collected through insurance policies. FSPL was introduced 1 July 2013. Each Victorian Council collects the FSPL for their municipality on behalf of the State Government.

There is a flat $132 charge for residential properties and $267 for other properties, as well as a charge based on the CIV for all property types.

For your reference, Fire Service Property Levy Variable Rates for 2024/2025 cents per $1000 of CIV) are: 

  • Residential (includes vacant residential land): 8.7 cents
  • Commercial: 66.4 cents
  • Industrial: 81.1 cents
  • Primary Production: 28. cents
  • Public Benefit: 5.7 cents
  • Vacant: 29 cents

Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC)

The Shire’s valuers have assigned an Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) to your property, according to the use of the land. As determined under the provisions of the Fire Service Property Levy Act 2012, the AVPCC is used to derive your property’s land use classification. The land use classification and AVPCC assigned to your property is displayed on the first page of your Shire Rates and Valuation Notice.

For further explanation of what the AVPCC means, you may download a list of the current AVPCCs(PDF, 7MB).

The most frequently used AVPCC are listed below:

AVPCC Description
110 Detached Dwelling
120 Single Unit/Villa Unit/Townhouse
117 Residential Rural/Rural Lifestyle
100 Vacant Residential Home Site/Surveyed Lot
140 Retirement Village Unit
118 Residential Land (with buildings which add no value)
850 Bathing Boxes
210 Retail Premises - Single Occupancy
310 General Purpose Factory
121 Conjoined Unit/Townhouse
524 Livestock Production – Beef Cattle
125 Strata flat or unit
120.1 Single Unit/Townhouse (awaiting registration)
127 Individual Berth
131 Residential Investment Flats

For more information please visit the site, State Government Fire Service Levy website.