Indian Myna Birds

The Indian Myna, also referred to as Common Myna, is a bird species native to India and south-east Asia. They were introduced to Australia in the 1860s and are now widespread throughout south-eastern Australia.

Unlike foxes and rabbits, Indian Mynas are not declared as an Established Pest Animal in Victoria under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994.

Indian Mynas prefer urban and agricultural areas that have been heavily modified or cleared of native vegetation. Indian Mynas can compete with local bird species in these areas. To learn more about Indian Mynas and their impacts, download Birdlife Australia’s Indian Myna Case Study (Birdlife Australia)(PDF, 142KB) 

Is it an Indian Myna Bird?

The introduced Indian Myna looks similar to the native Noisy Miner, and the two species are sometimes confused. Both birds are similar in size, distribution, and behaviour. Both have black heads, yellow eye patches, yellow beaks and yellow legs.

The main difference is their body colour – Indian Mynas have a brown body and Noisy Miners have a grey body. Indian Mynas also have a distinctive white patch on their wings, which is also visible when they are in flight.

This short video from Birdlife Australia helps explains the difference: What bird is that? Myna vs. Miner

What can you do about Indian Mynas on your property?

Mornington Peninsula Shire does not provide Indian Myna removal or trapping services on private property.

Understanding the habitat preferences and behaviour of these birds is helpful in deciding what to do about Indian Mynas. Actions that you can take to discourage Indian Mynas on your property include:

  • Not feeding Indian Mynas.
  • Clear away food scraps when eating outside.
  • Feed pets indoors and throw away leftover food after they finish eating.
  • Cover up rubbish and compost bins and limit access to their contents.
  • Block holes in roofs, gutters, and eaves to prevent Indian Mynas from nesting.
  • Retain natural bushland and indigenous trees on your property.
  • Avoid planting ornamental trees with dense foliage which Indian Mynas like to roost in at night, such as cypress and pines.
  • Plant local indigenous trees and shrubs to create a more natural environment better suited to local native birds and other wildlife.
  • Use local indigenous trees and shrubs for wind breaks and shelter belts on properties in rural and peri-urban areas. This action also benefits local wildlife by creating habitat corridors.

For help selecting indigenous plants that are suited to your area of the Peninsula, take a look at our Planting Guides page.

What is the Shire doing about Indian Mynas?

The Shire’s approach to deterring Indian Mynas is to undertake bushland restoration works to protect and enhance habitat quality in our bushland and foreshore reserves, as part of our Biodiversity Programs. This approach not only helps deter Indian Mynas, but also provides long term benefits for our local flora and fauna.